Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!!!

We want to wish all of our friends and family a very Merry Christmas. We're posting our Christmas card here for all to enjoy! We love you.

2008 a Banner Year for the Campbells
Year Brings Unexpected Surprises for Boyce and Suzanne

Provo, UT—(Dec. 18)—Boyce and Suzanne Campbell, of Provo, Utah, enjoyed a handful of surprises brought on during 2008. During an Easter program, Suzanne watched Boyce perform a beautiful arrangement of “My Shepherd Will Supply My Need,” and knew then and there she wanted to try dating her dear friend. Two days later, she approached Boyce, who graciously accepted the request, and the two began dating.

Not two weeks later, Suzanne embarked on her first European vacation with her good friend, Angela Brooks, on a Mediterranean Cruise. The two ventured to Barcelona, Rome, the Amalfi Coast, Venice, Athens, Croatia, Ephesus, and Istanbul.

“Everything about the trip was breathtaking,” said Suzanne Campbell of her adventure. “It was incredible to see the difference between ‘old’ in America and ‘old’ in Europe – I saw churches and buildings sometimes 2,000 years old!”

Once she returned, Boyce left on a week-long Florida adventure with close friends Cami Larsen and Angela Day. The trio spent a few days touring Disneyworld, peering for alligators and manatees, and enjoying being pampered by Angela’s family.

Boyce and Suzanne continued dating, and on June 19, Boyce asked for Suzanne’s hand in marriage up at Aspen Grove. Then began the wedding arrangements – with Suzanne stressing over every detail. The wedding came together beautifully, and the two were blissfully married in the Salt Lake Temple on Sept. 26.

After all of the crazy wedding planning, the two were grateful for a week-long honeymoon to Puerto Rico. The couple stayed in a beautiful ocean-front villa on the island of Viequez for most of the week, exploring serene beaches, snorkeling, and of course the highlight – swimming in the mysteriously beautiful bioluminescent bay.

“The bay is something one has to experience to truly understand,” said Boyce Campbell. “The microorganisms light up when they feel movement, so you and everything that moves in the water lights up and glows!”

On the last day of the honeymoon, Boyce and Suzanne visited El Yunque, Puerto Rico’s spectacular rainforest. The couple stayed at the top of the rainforest in an isolated bed and breakfast overlooking the rainforest canopy.

Right after the wedding, Boyce lost his sweet sister, Shannon, after a long fight with cystic fibrosis. The Campbell family hosted a beautiful funeral arrangement to honor their “Lovebug” Shannon, and the spirit was felt by all in attendance.

Recently, the couple added a new member to their family – a sweet-tempered miniature Australian Shepherd named Bailey. The new puppy has consumed a lot of Boyce and Suzanne’s free time, but the two have enjoyed training their new little addition.

Boyce and Suzanne are grateful to celebrate their first Christmas as a couple, and to pay tribute to their Savior who gave His life for all. They hope everyone will take time this season to reflect on the glory and magnificence of the Lord.


Canadian Princess said...

very cute...I liked your card/letter! Hope it was a Merry one;)

Tracy said...

Merry Christmas! Love your Christmas card. You guys are so great.

Stephanie said...

Merry Christmas, you two! It HAS been an eventful year for you both. May 2009 hold many blessings for your new family!

Natalie said...

Well written. You guys are adorable.

Natalie said...

What a beautiful card and wonderful letter. I am so happy for you guys!

Jaime said...

Suzanne!!!! Hello!! I am so glad you send a card! I didn't have your adress or email or anything!! I am SO glad that you guys have a blog! I am so glad to see that your wedding went perfectly! I was so sas that we couldn't make it. We were helping Lauren set up and finish decorations for her reception till the last minute! You looked STUNNING!! I am so happy for you. When are you comming to Klamath next? I wanna see you so bad and I have a gift for ya! Love ya!

Stacey said...

Lovely summary!