Saturday, February 21, 2009

The New Music Makers

A couple of weeks ago Suz and I went to see the BYU Young Ambassadors in concert.  It was a fun evening of good music.  Some songs were amazing and some were so so but all of the music was good!  All in all it was a fun date night.  To see a video of  "Can't Help Falling in Love"  click here.

One of the most well done songs was "Sherry".  These four guys did a GREAT job!  Unfortunately there is not a video but there is a sound clip by clicking here!

The last song was "The Color Purple" from the musical of the same title.  It was AMAZING.  If the whole show would have been of this caliber than it would've been a spectacular event.  All in all the music was great with oldies and fun broadway songs!