Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Introducing Grace Kathleen

Grace Kathleen was born on January 10, 2011 at 5:22 PM. She weighed in at 7 pounds 5 ounces and 20 inches long. She is adorable as can be but more work than we ever imagined. We are loving being parents and loving being blissfully tired! Here are some pics for now. We'll update more some day when we wake up!

Welcome Grace Kathleen and just look at her beautiful Mommy!

Just an hour old, right after her first bath!

Grandma Campbell with her cutest grandchild!

Just chillin' in the "tanning bed". She had to sleep for a couple of days in the bilibed because of jaundice! She was a trooper and did well, just a little fussy at night, wanting to be cuddled.

Gracie, 6 days old

7 days old, sleeping peacefully

All dressed up and nowhere to go!!!

13 days old, having some tummy time

Grace getting her first cousin visit!!!

Two weeks old and yes that's a flower on her bum!

Two weeks old, chillin in the swing! Yes...this is her happy face!

There's a picture walk of Gracie so far! Check back for more updates when we wake up!


Unknown said...

Yay! Yay! Yay! I'm so happy for you three! Glad to hear you are doing well and enjoying parenthood (sleep deprivation and all)! I've been anxiously waiting for your announcement post! Thanks for sharing! Love ya!

Love Wendy

Tracy said...

SOOOOOO cute! Congrats you guys!

Rinez said...

Cute, cute, cute! Sure do love her!

MegiJones said...

Love it love it love it! I love seeing all of these pictures.