Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Two Month Checkup

Okay, so this post is a little late (since Gracie is now 10 weeks old), but we recently had her two-month check up with the doc. When she was born she weighed in at 7 lbs. 5 oz., and I'm happy to report that at two months, she's now 10 lbs. 11 oz. (40th percentile) and 23 1/2 inches long (85th percentile!). The little lady did amazing as she received her vaccines (I think Mom had a harder time watching her cry).

Gracie at 2 months

I'm so proud and amazed every day as I have watched her learn and grow. She has started cooing and talking to us up a storm, and it melts my heart every time she smiles. She bears weight on her legs already, can roll over, and just today (10 weeks) held her head up 90 degrees for about 60 seconds during tummy time.

She is sleeping through the night but fights daytime naps; I think in part because she loves spending time with Mommy and Daddy. She LOVES bathtime but despises getting out of the bath and turns a very dark shade of purple as we put lotion on her following bathtime. She has the most adorable pouty face we have EVER seen.

Gracie, we love you! Happy two months! :)


Rinez said...

Such an adorable little baby girl! So proud to call her our granddaughter!