Friday, June 17, 2011

Rice Cereal, Yum Yum!

So this past week we've started Gracie on rice cereal. It has been so fun to watch her try this new food and new way of eating. The first day she grimaced after the first bite and clamped her mouth shut, refusing to eat any more. But we've come a long way since then. She's now eating rice cereal in her high chair (which she protests) at her 1 o'clock feeding every day. I don't think she particularly likes it (But who would? Have you tasted that stuff?! BLAND!) but she's doing great!

Now if I can only figure out HOW to break her of her swaddle blanket... :)


Kat said...

She already looks so much bigger than when we saw her last. That last picture is too cute! I love that face!