Friday, March 9, 2012

This 'N That

So I've been meaning to post an update for a while, but ya' know, time once again has slipped away. For us, February flew by. But not without doing some fun things. True to form, Boyce spoiled me for Valentine's Day. This year, he made fondue with all the fixings. He even set up a little station so we could have it on the floor. The icing on the cake, though, was that he bought Hershey's kisses so he could strew them out for decoration. (PS - Grace was asleep for all of this so it was just for the two of us to enjoy!)

So thank you to my amazing husband who works so hard to be an amazing, and who does a great job at it!

News on the Gracie front is that she's walking EVERYWHERE and getting into EVERYTHING. :) Mommy and Daddy need to keep a close eye on that one these days. If not, we have found her playing in the toilet (ew!), playing with any roll of toilet paper within reach, carefully removing plastic baggies from their box one at a time, and so forth. New words this month include "bottle" and "men" (aka "amen" after prayers). We are just loving this age and all of the things she's learning and capable of with each new day.

Lastly but not least, Daddy was slimed last week at school. That's right. The students at the elementary school Boyce teaches at reached their read-a-thon goal, and the reward was to watch the principal and assistant principal get slimed (in honor of Dr. Seuss's "oobleck"). So Gracie and I made our way over to the school last Friday for the big event. Oh, back up. I should mention the night before, Boyce and I made Nickelodeon's official slime recipe. Who knew baby shampoo, water, flour, and green Jell-O could be so effective? Anyhow, the students LOVED watching them get buckets of slime dumped on them. The top readers of the school got to be the ones to slime them. All I have to say is that I wasn't sure Boyce was ever going to not have a green tint to him, but alas, it did come out (thanks to the slime's baby shampoo).


Arianne said...

Hi Suzanne, I just found your blog via facebook. How did I not discover this earlier?! So fun to see your family, and your little girl is so darling!! We've got a blog too, I'll send you an invite. Hope you're doing well.

Janel said...

can't wait to see you guys!! and can't wait to squeeze those cute lil' cheeks! :D