Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Home Sweet Arkansas

Hello world!

Sorry it has been an ETERNITY since we have blogged. Our summer has been packed with things like an awesome family reunion in Breckenridge, CO, a trip for Boyce to Chengdu, China, a visit from family (we promise to blog about all of those things later!), and most recently, a trip for us to Arkansas and Missouri to see family and have some fun.

So why Arkansas? Well, my (this is Suzanne, btw) mother and father were both raised there, and I still have an aunt and two uncles who live there. And because I spent so much time there as a child, I have some super close friends there, too. So when my uncle George called and asked us to consider coming for a visit, we really couldn't resist. We spent 9 glorious days traipsing all over Arkansas, and even wandered over to Branson, MO, for a day of fun.

Day 1 (Friday) - Our first day there, we flew into Little Rock and met my uncle for dinner. It had been 6 years since I had seen him, and so of course he hadn't met Boyce or Grace, either. We had a good time catching up.

Day 2 (Saturday) - On our first full day, we visited the state capitol building (gorgeous!) and then went to Central High School, a historic civil rights landmark for being one of the first high schools that enforced desegregation. Boyce and I were surprised at how much opposition there was. For instance, after the Governor of the time tried with all his might to halt the segregation movement and mandate those 9 black students not to join the school ranks, he was named the No. 2 most respected person of the year for TIME magazine, just behind the pope. :( It was very sobering to learn about, and I'm glad we've come a long way since then.

State Capitol
Central High School
We then met my uncle, who is an antique fanatic, and he took us to the local antique mall, where we found Grace a cute Madame Alexander doll. Afterward, we dropped him off back at home and went to the Riverfront, where we found a splash pad and let Grace get some energy out. We then picked up my uncle and went to dinner again.

Day 3 (Sunday) - This day, we found a local ward and went to church first thing, and then it was time for me to explore some of my roots. As a child, I remember visiting my grandparents on my father's side who lived in a tiny little town outside of Little Rock. I thought it would be fun to find that old house that I have memories of. Needless to say, things had changed a lot, and I couldn't recognize the house instantly and was scared I wouldn't find it. But thankfully after driving down the street a few times, I identified the old house (thanks to the underground storm cellar!). I was disappointed the house was in dumpy condition, but glad to have found it nonetheless. I have memories of burrowing down in that little storm cellar when tornado warnings were issued. And shelling peas from Papa's vegetable garden. And smelling my grandma Maggie's rhododendron bushes. Ah, brought me back!

Maggie & Papa's Old House. It looked better back then
The ole' storm cellar
After we visited that house, we then went even FURTHER into the sticks to find the place where my dad grew up as a little kid. That one was actually easier to find. A man was outside riding his four-wheeler, and when I told him what I was up to, he said it was his family that bought the property from my grandfather so many years ago! His mother came out and talked to us a little while, and said her husband remembered my dad as a kid when they bought the place. It was really fun to talk to them about the house and the area.

Where my dad lived as a little boy
An old chicken coop that was there when my dad was little
Gracie's new thing. Piling stuff behind her head. She did this lots on our trip
We went to dinner again with my uncle, this time to a local catfish joint since that is what you're supposed to eat in Little Rock (we'd heard). I was nervous because it was fried and a river fish and I don't really eat either of those things, but man alive, it was some of the best fish I'd ever had.

Us at the catfish place.
Day 4 (Monday) - On Monday we headed over to northwest Arkansas where my mom was raised and my mother's parents lived. This is where most of my childhood Arkansas memories revolve around. But before heading there, we stopped at Hiefer International, a non-profit with a fantastic mission to wipe out world hunger by providing livestock and training on how to use the livestock to bring food and resources to your town or village. Such a great organization. We were very impressed!

Hiefer International "Grocery Store"
After a quick 3-hour drive (quick because Grace napped the whole way!), we were in Fayetteville. We stopped at the University of Arkansas because that is where my father went to college and they engrave every graduate's name on their sidewalks. I'd never been able to find my father's name, but this time, I knew about where it was. And after a hot and sweaty walk across campus, we found it! (Did I mention it was over 100 degrees basically every day we were there! One day in LR, it was 108!)

Dad's name on the University of Arkansas sidewalk for the class of 73'
Our next stop was to the cemetery where my mother's parents are buried. I hate to admit it, but I'd never visited their grave, and I felt like this time I really should. With the help of the sweet lady at the cemetery's front desk, I found it without any problem. It was a really bittersweet few minutes. I miss them, especially when I'm roaming around Fayetteville.

My "Nanny" and "Odie's" headstone
Day 5 (Tuesday) - Tuesday was a little more relaxed. Our dear friends from Bentonville who let us stay at their house while they were out of town had a neighborhood pool, so we decided to stave off the Arkansas heat with a bit of swimming. After that, we went to Rogers (another little neighboring town there) and did some shopping. Boyce let me get pampered at the Sephora. And I mean, he even called over a saleswoman and asked her to help me out. It was a fun hour, and man did I end up walking out with some awesome new makeup.

That night, I got to go to dinner with my dear friend Gwyneth. She lived next door to my grandparents, and so any time I was visiting them or my mom, she and I would play together. She truly gets the title of the friend I've had the longest. Boyce was sweet and offered to stay home and watch Grace while the two of us caught up. We had a great time. I just love that gal.

Gwyneth and I
Day 6 (Wednesday) - It seemed like we were hardly in Fayetteville at all, and already it was time to go to Branson. We packed up our stuff and set out. Let me tell ya', you go through some ugly windy roads to get from Bentonville to Branson. I don't mean the scenery is ugly (it's actually really beautiful!), but I was so motion sick the whole drive I sure didn't notice. After a long hour-and-a-half, we arrived. If you've never been to Branson, it has all sorts of family friendly things to do. Concerts, shows, everything. Think Las Vegas, only totally and completely family friendly. We'd reserved tickets to a really fun adventure called "Ride the Ducks." Basically, the "ducks" are a land/watercraft hybrid, so it took us from the Branson strip into Table Rock Lake. And the tour guide was a hoot to listen to.

On "the duck"
After the tour, we hurried to make our next destination: Dolly Parton's Dixie Stampede. Boyce booked this, so I had no idea what we were in store for. But can I tell ya', it was SO fun! It was essentially a showboating kind of rodeo. Two different sides "compete" against each other in all sorts of things, from horse riding, barrel racing, tree climbing, pig racing, etc. Even our 1 1/2 year old loved it, and that's saying something. They also feed you this absolute feast. And boy do I mean feast. They serve each and every person a whole chicken, for heaven's sake.

Following the stampede (and with very, very full bellies), we went to the local outlet mall and stocked up on tons of clothes for Boyce and Grace (don't forget, I opted to splurge on makeup earlier). Super fun.

That night, we put a very tired toddler down to bed, and decided she would have an easier time falling asleep if we were not in the room. So Boyce and I just stepped right outside. I have never been so hot and sweaty in all my life. I had to make several runs for cups of ice just to pour them on my legs and feet, since I was sitting on the burning hot cement walkway. Sweltering hot, no joke.

Day 7 (Thursday) - Thursday morning, we woke up and got to the Butterfly Palace at about 9 am. I was really excited about this because I knew Grace would get a kick out of it. Basically it's a huge butterfly aviary. And man alive, did they have TONS of different species of butterflies. We all had a great time roaming around the aviary and checking them all out. They also had a few other exhibits in the Butterfly Palace too, like a Banyan Tree forest, a mirror maze, and even a few live reptiles and amphibians. This place was truly a hit for a toddler.

Grace in the "Banyan Tree" exhibit

We then drove over to my aunt Jerry and uncle Gary's house. They live right on Beaver Lake, which is just a gorgeous spot, let me tell you. After getting just a wee bit lost and having to call for directions, we found their place and were welcomed by Jerry and Gary, as well as my cousin Rodney and his beautiful wife, Mary, and also my cousin Alan and his cute wife Liz and their stinkin' cute kids, Jake, Olivia, and Maddie. Being at their place was probably my favorite part of the trip. It was SO, so good to see them and catch up. I don't get to see my cousins very often, and it was such a treat. And they all loved Boyce and Gracie, and she of course, loved all of the attention.

Day 8 (Friday) - On Friday, we spent practically the whole day on Beaver Lake. We swam at the dock for a couple of hours first (even Charlie the dog had a good swim), and then all of us piled into Gary and Jerry's pontoon boat for a trip on the lake. Gracie's favorite part was when Uncle Gary let her sit on his lap and "steer" the boat. We spent a few hours on the boat, too, and boy were we all pooped when we got back to the house. Alan, Liz, and Rodney, and Mary cooked a fabulous gourmet meal (I'm talkin' gourmet, truly) of fajitas, black bean salsa, and the works. And then we topped it off with some of Mary's famous vanilla bean ice cream and Texas sheet cake. Mmm mmm!

Day 9 (Saturday) - We were so sad to say goodbye to family and head back to Little Rock, but that's what we needed to do. We left Gary and Jerry's a little before noon, made a quick stop at the Promenade for lunch (and made one final American Cookie purchase, too), and set off for LR. We got there in enough time to have a final dinner with George.

Cousin time

Day 10 (Sunday) - The end of our trip. It happened way too fast. We went to the same ward we went to the week prior, and then headed back to the airport to head home. All was going great till our flight was two hours delayed out of Denver, putting us home at 10 o'clock Mountain and 11 o'clock in the time zone we were used to. Gracie finally crashed about 20 minutes before the flight landed, and man were we grateful when we finally got home.

All in all we had a most fabulous trip. What a way to start winding down summer!


Rinez said...

thanks for sharing photos and narration of your trip. It was wonderful!