Friday, January 11, 2013

A Couple Halloween Pics and This N' That

 I promised these long ago, and I need to post them otherwise they'll simply go into an abyss and be forgotten. Again, Gracie and I went to Daddy's elementary school Halloween parade.

Yup, that's Daddy as Fred Flintstone. I think maybe a third of his students knew who he was. Sigh.
The two of them leading the pack of kids on the Halloween Parade.
And just for good measure I'm posting a few other photos that I'd like to remember, which Gracie will probably kill me for later when I bring them up for dates to look at. :)

Like the time she made her bed in the laundry basket.

Or the time she decided she didn't want to wear pants but DID want to wear her hat and gloves. :)

Gotta' love this age! :)