Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Connor - 2 Months

So my favorite little man is already 2 months old. How did this happen? My newborn phase is flying by and, despite the fact I am missing out on some sleep, I am not happy his newborn-hood is passing by so quickly. I love cuddling with him and he loves it, too. Maybe he will be a mama's boy. :) Unlike his sister, who is a true daddy's girl.

We had his 2-month checkup and he's doing great (Wt: 11 lbs. even at 27%, Ht: 22.5" at 51%). He's smiling and cooing and doing all of those melt-your-mama's-heart type of things. He detests tummy time with a passion. He detests being put in the car seat, though thankfully once he's moving (whether in the car or stroller) it lulls him right to sleep. He's getting old enough to notice when he's not being paid attention to, like when Gracie needs my attention (which, let's be honest, is a lot), and man does he let me know when he's not happy about it!

His adorable smile. :)

Because he competes with Grace for my attention, he absolutely LOVES it when we do give him our undivided attention. He lights right up when we talk or sing to him.

I can't believe it's already time for him to start batting at things. But he sure loves it!
He's also developing his own little unique look, and not too much like Gracie. And I gotta' tell ya' he is CUTE! Although I have to say, don't he and Gracie look a little alike from her two-month pic:

This is Grace at 2 months.
And my Connor.
Boyce and I joke that he has an innate sense to know when I am sitting down at the table to eat a meal, because at that exact second is when he will choose to demand attention or a meal or whatever. Seriously. It's uncanny.

He used to hate being slept on his back (hence, the bouncer became our best friend), but we are very happy to report he now sleeps just fine on his back. And might I also proudly announce that he is sleeping a good 5-6 hour chunk in the nighttime, which for an 8-week old seems pretty good.

Here are a few more pics just for fun!

Asleep in the boppy.