Sunday, February 2, 2014

Connor - 10 and 11 Month Update

My little Connor. He is growing up so fast. I can hardly believe my little dude will be a whole year old this month. But here are some updates regarding my beautiful baby boy. At 10 months (so right around Christmastime) he started sitting up pretty much all the time. He noticed animals for the first time (specifically dogs) and it was love at first sight. At 10 months, he found his voice and said "Ma-ma" and "Da-da!" Not consistently, certainly not on demand, but he said them and will say them on occasion. He also began doing tricks - shaking his head, waving, and clapping. He will do any of these three things and often will do them all in a 30-second period. I should also add, he is really good at shaking his head when Mommy is trying to feed him and he doesn't want to eat whatever is on the menu that he apparently isn't thrilled about.

At 11 months, he has become obsessed with pulling himself up to standing and climbing stairs. He absolutely wants to be mobile. It's cute - Grace will go to the top of the stairs and call his name - and Connor will climb up to her. Admittedly, he's pretty tired by the time he gets to the top and can only do it a couple of times before he's worn out! Of course, I am RIGHT there when he is perfecting these newfound acrobatics of his. Thankfully, the "fall-down-and-hurt-myself-every-time-I-stand-up" phase only lasted a couple of weeks. It was pretty tiring for this mommy who is super paranoid, so I was pretty much right by his side every second. And I think we have successfully (for the most part, anyway) trained Grace NOT to push him down or move his hands off of whatever he's balancing on (which happened multiple times at the beginning).

Also this month, my baby boy got his first ear infection (well two; one in each ear). He got an annoying cold while on vacation in December that never fully went away, and I guess it lingered long enough to become an infection. This to me cements the fact that he has "Bonner blood." My sister and I got ear infections all the time as kids. Grace is a Campbell baby - she still has never had one (crossing my fingers).

Another cute little thing Connor does now is points when he's excited about something. And let me tell ya' one thing that ALWAYS excites him - looking out the window. Perhaps Connor will be an outdoorsman. I don't know, but what I do know, is that anytime he is looking out the window he does his excited "Aaah!" and is pointing at who knows what.

My little guy STILL has the worst gag reflex / food texture issues I've ever seen. Our Baby Bullet gets a serious workout every single day. But at least he is eating more "human food" and less and less baby food.

My little guy is a heartbreaker. His little baby blues get me every time, and I get complimented on his cuteness nearly every time we go somewhere. Oh Connor Bear, you have stolen our hearts!


Mim said...

He's so sweet!

Janel said...

Love love love!! COnnor has SUCH a Boycie face! what a cutie! Oh we miss you guys so much!