Monday, March 10, 2014

Connor's First Birthday

I can't believe our little guy is one already! Man alive, has this year FLOWN! I was super excited for Connor's birthday, and a little stressed because I want these first birthdays for my kids to be fun and memorable (even though they won't remember; we will!). I want them to look back at pictures with love and happiness.

For breakfast, Connor had his very first pancakes. It was pretty much love at first bite. This picture says it all.

I made a teddy bear cake for my little man because his nickname is "Connor Bear." (PS...It takes 1,000 years to frost a cake with stars.)

Cami came and joined us for a pizza dinner (Connor wasn't quite ready for pizza, but we sure enjoyed it!), and then came the moment of candles and cake. By the way, Grace was VERY excited it was Connor's birthday, and kept singing "Happy Birthday" to him that day (and days later). With all the singing and yummy treats and everything else, I could tell our little dude knew it was his special day. And that filled my whole soul with joy, I tell ya'.

This pic was snapped just in time, before he ripped off that hat and stubbornly refused to let it be put back on.
Someone else is having fun, too.

He also got to "open" his presents (we all know he didn't really open them, and that mainly Gracie did). And after presents, we Skyped for a bit with Papa John.

All in all, we had a wonderful time celebrating Connor's first birthday.

"Want some cake, anyone? This stuff's GOOD!"

This lil' gal kept asking all day long for a piece of Connor's cake. :)
Grace "helping" unwrap gifts.

Boyce trying to quickly assemble a toy motorcycle before bedtime. Note to self: Assemble ahead of time.

A week later, we took Connor to his well visit. He is doing well, even though my little man hasn't really grown AT ALL the past 3 months (The doc set my concerns at ease by pointing out he'd had a growth spurt right before his 9-month checkup). Here are his stats:

Weight: 19.84 lbs (24.7%)
Length: 30" (53.2%)
Head Circumference: 17.8 (27.3%)


. said...

First birthdays are so fun! I love comparing our two little guys as they hit these milestones so close together! Good job on the cake - super cute!!

Julie said...

Happy birthday Connor Bear! There will be many more fantastic joy and love filled birthdays to come. PS. I think I have seen your mommy make that same expression when served pancakes. :)

Mim said...

He is so sweet! Some great pictures!