Thursday, November 20, 2008


I LOVE ballroom dancing....not actually dancing but I LOVE to watch it. Don't get me wrong I love to dance as well but I'm not very good at it. I love to watch good dancing and just imagine that its me. Its so fun and so elegant. This weekend Suz and I went to Dancesport at BYU. Its a ballroom dance competition for all levels and all ages. It was so much fun. The youth were our favorites....those young kids are AMAZING.

Suz also puts up with my obsession with Dancing With the Stars! The season is almost over but its been tons of fun. I wish I could be a star and get weekly dance lessons from a pro. Here are a couple of my favorite couples and their dances. The finals are next week which are fun.

Cody and Julianne got voted off but they are my favorites...mostly just cuz I like Julianne but Cody has tried hard!

This is the couple that I want to win, Derek and Brooke (Derek is Julianne's brother). They are very fun as well.

And here is another amazing jitterbug by Lance and Lacy!!! I think they may win overall.


Lemme said...

that's so funny!!! one member of each of those teams was raised a mormon...there are talented people among us!!

Rinez said...

You're just a romantic at heart! You get that from your Grandpa Fewkes. He loved to dance! Me, too! Thanks for sharing the fun!

Andrea said...

you crack me up.