Sunday, November 23, 2008

I love you Suzanne

I'm feeling especially grateful for my sweet wife today. I am so blessed to have such a beautiful and loving wife. She puts up with me and all that I bring to our marriage. She's patient and lovingly teaches me day by day. I often look at her and just am in awe of her beauty and the blessing that she is in my life. She makes me want to be better all the time. I am trying daily to be the man she deserves. I love you Suz! Thanks for loving me too!

We went out shopping the other night. I had to take a pic of her looking all cute with her new haircut and her schnazzy little hat!


Rinez said...

I love you, too, Suzanne!

Anonymous said...

Oh sweetheart - I am the one who's blessed. You are so patient to put up with me. Thank you for being 1,000x better than anyone I could've possibly imagined. I love you!

KG said...

Ahhhhh! How sweet! Glad you two love birds are happy! Cute hat and cute hair!

Julie said...

I am thankful for Suzanne too... and Boyce too since you make Suz so happy! :)

Natalie said...

Schnazzy? I love that new word. I think I'll use it in a sentence today.