Saturday, November 22, 2008


So Suz broke down and read the Twilight book a little while ago and has been dying to see the movie. I still haven't read the book but agreed to go to the movie with her. Well...we went on opening night which I usually HATE doing. It actually wasn't too bad. A little crowded but we only got there an hour early and still got good seats. Here's a picture of my Suz with the crowd.

We both LOVED the movie. I had zero expectations and was just praying I wouldn't be the only man in the theater. Many husbands and boyfriends accompanied their ladies so it was ok. The movie was good...lots of action and intensity....yet a very passionate love story just the same. I can't wait to start reading the book now!


Rinez said...

Glad you enjoyed it! That'll give me motivation to see it!

madfam said...

the book is too girly!! i know you will be saying "oh brother " through the whole read, it was a good movie..saves you all the romantic blah blah dialog in the book..i am a jacob fan and the read was too highschool, which i understand was her audience,but either way it was gay! sorry just had to warn you..who knows you may like them..

Tracy said...

OH... I still need to see this! I feel very out of the loop.