Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Joy in the Journey

This weekend I visited my home teaching families in the ward. Its fun to get to know the people around where we live. In an area like this home teaching should ALWAYS be done. I can throw a stone and hit the houses of my families (I would never throw a stone at their homes....that's just how close they are). There's really no excuse plus its FUN!

Anyway....this month we just got to know our new families and shared a brief thought with them from conference. I decided to share some thoughts from President Monson's talk "Joy in the Journey" since it seemed to coincide with the season of being thankful for our blessings. Tonight I was reviewing the talk just before going to home teach and I thought of the perfect example of someone who really does find joy in her journey.

My sister Lindy just turned 30 and for her birthday took a trip to Hawaii. She LOVES Hawaii...attended BYU there and has always wanted to return. Lindy has Cystic Fibrosis though most of the time you would never know it. Even when she's feeling really poorly she rarely lets on. Well, every year and a half or so its common for people with CF to go in to the hospital just for a "tune up" to keep themselves healthy. Lindy could tell she was about due for one but the doctors ok'd her to go to Hawaii and Lindy planned on getting her "tune-up" after the trip. Well unfortunately, due to her health, she had to cut the trip short and is now in the hospital. When I heard the news I was devastated for her. She just wanted to have a fun trip in Hawaii and now she's in the hospital, away from her husband and daughter, and she gets to spend Thanksgiving there.

My sister Lindy with her husband Jonathan

Well today I gave her a call to cheer her up. Little did I know it was going to be much the other way around. She answered the phone with a cheerful "Hello!" and never once did she even mention how rough things might be for her. She technically could have lots of reasons to be sad, depressed, upset at the world....but she's not. She's finding joy in today!

As I read the article again, tears came to my eyes as I thought of my sweet sister and how upbeat and cheerful she is through all of her physical trials.

Two thoughts from President Monson's talk: "I believe that among the greatest lessons we are to learn in this short sojourn upon the earth are lessons that help us distinguish between what is important and what is not." "Our realization of what is most important in life goes hand in hand with gratitude for our blessings."

He also quoted the Roman philosopher Horace, "Whatever hour God has blessed you with, take it with grateful hand, nor postpone your joys from year to year, so that in whatever place you have been, you may say that you have lived happily."

Thanks sis for being such a good example to me. I love you so much and I hate it when you're not well but your attitude and positive outlook are a strength for me. I'm going to think of you often when things get rough and remember to find joy in my own journey.

Recover quickly and get home soon! I love you like crazy!


Rinez said...

Beautifully said and well deserved. How insightful of you. Thank you for honoring your sister and seeing the "real" Lindy. I love you Boyce.

Canadian Princess said...

Great post and good points Boyce!

The Larsens said...

You have an amazing family!

Camille said...

What a sweet little tribute and that's a GREAT picture of Lindy and Jonathan!