Monday, January 26, 2009

Cute Quips

Some members of my family have been posting "cute quips" from their children.  They post the cute things to say and its super fun.

Well I have the most adorable wife in the universe and she says the cutest things all the time and constantly keeps me laughing so I thought I would share some of the funny things she says when they come up.  Here are a couple just to get started.

One morning we were not wanting to get up.  Finally she gets up and looks at me and says, "Come on...get spot!"  I kind of look at her funny and say, "spot spot???". She says, " know like Mary Poppins."  I looked at her and said, "You mean spit spot?"  We both started laughing hysterically.  

The other day I came home from work and we were having our usual afterwork small talk about our days.  Suz went upstairs and called down, "Hey honey did you hear about the tornado in Utah today?"  This caught my attention and I anxiously said, "No, really?"  She comes out on the landing of the stairs and says forcefully, "Yes, it happened in our room on YOUR side of the bed!"  (I guess I can tend to be a tad bit clutterly sometimes)  Again...we laughed hysterically!


Anonymous said...

LOL. Honey, how do you even remember these? I'd forgotten!

Camille said...

Well, that must have been some spot spot tornado because it made it all the way down to AZ and landed on my side of the bed--what a mess it left. LOL

Mim said...

I miss those Suzanne moment comments!

Stephanie said...

I love it! Great idea. :)

Canadian Princess said...

too adorable!!!

Rinez said...

Tornado? Boy, I can sure remember many of those at our house!

Bry and Rach said...

way to go Suz! That is hilarious! You guys are fun!