Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Harvard Student Explains the LDS Faith

Hi everyone,

The other day my friend from work sent this clip of a young woman who's a student at Harvard who participated in a panel during Harvard's Days of Faith. She is asked a series of hard questions about the LDS religion and is asked to address many of the misconceptions that exist in our society. Her answers are fantastic, and I have no doubt everyone present was impressed (including the man to her right). If only all of us could be so eloquent when asked tough questions!

Day of Faith: Personal Quests for a Purpose - 3. Rachel Esplin from Harvard Hillel on Vimeo.


Lisa R.D. said...

We watched this last night and were very impressed with her as well. She was so articulate and you could just tell that she spoke from her heart. I got some pleasure watching the man on her right as well. He looked like he was rooting for her, although it's apparent that his beliefs differ from ours. Thanks for posting the link!

Erka said...

Hi, this is Erka, Boyce and Shannon's friend from back in the days. I just saw your blog on Facebook.
So, this was very impressive coming from a twenty year old.
It made me reflect on what and how I am teaching my little daughter. Will she be able to have that same understanding and maturity this girl has?
I am glad they got this on video and thanks for posting it!

Bry and Rach said...

that was awesome! Thanks for sharing that. She would be an amazing missionary! You can tell she studies religion. It's refreshing to hear her testimony and her desire to educate and not to be confrontational! love that!

Anonymous said...

Right on! Very impressive.