Thursday, January 29, 2009

Winter Beauty

Most of my family live in places that don't get very cold in the winter. I have many friends who are currently enjoying the winters that southern California is famous for. Some of my friends and family feel it necessary to "brag" about where they're living during the winter time by posting pictures of themselves at the beach or occasionally just posting what the current temperature is.....just for fun.

Now don't get me wrong. I LOVE the beach and I LOVE beautiful mild days in the 70's just as much as the next guy. I never thought I would end up living in a place where it snows regularly, much less the great state of Utah. By living here however I have come to appreciate the beauty of this place. It really is a uniquely beautiful state. This year I've finally come to appreciate the beauty of winter. I'd rather it didn't have to be cold to create this beauty but I can appreciate it nonetheless. Recently I've been impressed by different winter scenes as I drive or walk around. Unfortunately all I've had on me is my phone so the pictures don't quite do the beauty justice but I thought I'd share them just the same.

I took this pic while on an afternoon walk with the dog. The sun had just set behind Utah Lake and the mountains to the west and the sky was a beautiful watercolor. I really was taken back by the beautiful valley we live in as I looked out across this winter scene.

I took this photo one early morning on my way out to visit a school in Eagle Mountain. The sun was just coming up and it was frigid cold but there was a peace and a calm out that was breath taking. The snow and cold have a way of almost stopping time.

Another shot near Eagle Mountain, UT just as the sun was rising.

I took these one morning when the thermostat in my car said it was 2 degrees. There had been fog and it had just lifted as I came outside and saw the beauty the fog had created on all of the trees. If you click on the pics and enlarge them you can see how intricate the frosty designs are on each branch. Very cool...err...cold.

So there you have it...I know its not the beach....and I do like it when its warm...but I can appreciate the unique beauty that comes with winter too. I just hope it doesn't stay too long!


Tracy said...

Beautiful pictures. It is pretty after a fresh snow... but I do love my beach.

Andrea said...

i admit it is beautiful but i have even missed it a time of two. . .but i will go ahead and look at those pictures and enjoy their beauty - then get my shorts, short sleeve shirt and flip flops on and head it on outside to the 75 degree weather that is awaiting me. :) happy snow to you. beauty and all.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Boyce...Utah has some fantastic scenery and I love the beauty of snow-covered mountains. I just can't get my body to enjoy the cold temperatures. But I love to "visit" the snow.

MegiJones said...

The trees after the fog was really pretty! Even I thought it was pretty and there's not much about snow that I think is pretty. I dont' know that I'd ever seen that before yay for :) Maybe after 10 years of living here I will appreciate the snow like you do. I will certainly try!!

Stephanie said...

It's definitely no Bakersfield, but it IS beautiful. I love the snow for scenes like those. :)

Lisa said...

Okay, Ansel Adams. Not that I have much to complain about but there is certainly something to be said about having seasons.

Rinez said...

The trees were so pretty - like a magic place. Thanks for sharing the beauty.

Lindy said...

oh Boyce... it was a good try. But it just can't beat the beach! j/k I'm impressed that you are appreciating it. That's the part of life I'm trying to learn about... being happy with what I have. Making good come out of a bad situation. (not that utah or snow is bad but... well, you get it, right?)