Monday, February 2, 2009

Growing Pains

This has been a rough week for Bailey as we had him fixed, gave him his last round of shots (including rabies) and had him microchipped (so we don't lose him). Since he got fixed he has had this lovely cone on his head which he quickly got used to but unfortunately its like he forgot that he has it on. Suz and I have plenty of injuries from the cone. He's been a good puppy overall and has been healing quite nicely.

Bailey with his 1st cone earlier today while on a walk.

Tonight, however he learned that if he curled around just right while working the rim of the cone under his hind leg then he could reach the site of the operation and lick his wounds. Around 8 o'clock tonight we discovered that he had managed to reopen the site just a little bit and it was really red. So we took him to pet urgent care where they glued him back together. They were very impressed that he could reach his wounds even with the "cone" on. Lucky us, we have a talented dog.

We were glad to see it wasn't a big deal to fix him up and that he hadn't done too much damage. Due to his cunning smarts we were forced to oufit him with a bigger cone on his head. He looks slightly more ridiculous than before....poor guy!

Bailey with his new cone!

So we returned home from our adventure tonight a little bit poorer than before but glad that our puppy is ok!


Lemme said...

hahahaha!!! i can't imagine my two babies with cones on their heads!!! so funny!!!!

. said...

Darn dogs! Ours figured out how to ram his cone against everything he could and bust it to pieces. He did that to 2 cones, so we gave up!

Janel said...

whaaa haaa haa! I don't know why I'm laughing! It's just funny the way you kept referring to "the cone". LOL Poor Bailey...but such a smart cutie patootie!

Jaime said...

That is so sad!! But a little funny! hehe