Monday, February 2, 2009


Yes that's right. I said Bakersfield. That's where I'm from. No I'm not from Baker, the home of the world's tallest thermometer. If you're from Utah and have driven to L.A. on I-15 then you have not driven through Bakersfield nor have you stopped at the McDonald's there.

Baker, CA , just over the state line from Nevada, population 500. This is NOT where I'm from.

I know its hard to believe but I-15 is not the only freeway in California unlike here in Utah where I-15 is pretty much the only major north-south corridor. California is a big state and just because a city isn't on I-15 doesn't make it just means you're ignorant. ( I don't say this to be mean...only to drive a point). See the maps below if you're still confused!

I guess you could say I've become a little sensitive to the issue. You see, within the state of California, Bakersfield is known as the armpit of the state. Its every Californian's whipping boy. Here in Utah people don't even know where Bakersfield is because its not en route to L.A. or San Francisco.

I grew up in Bakersfield and its my home. It is not a perfect place and has lots of things that deserve to be made fun of, but the purpose of this blog is to highlight some of the better things about Bakersfield and educate those out there who don't know. Here's a little blurb from wikipedia:

Bakersfield is the 11th fastest growing city in the United States with a population of over 100,000, and the fastest growing city in the United States with a population of over 250,000. As of 2008, the population was estimated at 328,692[1] within the city limits, making it the 11th largest city in California and the 57th largest city in the United States according to U.S. Census estimates. The Bakersfield Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) has a population of 780,711, making it the 65th largest metropolitan area in the country. It is California's third largest inland city, after Fresno and Sacramento. The city's economy relies on agriculture, petroleum extraction and refining, and manufacturing.

For the whole article click here.

Beautiful downtown Bakersfield....ok maybe not beautiful but it has charm!!!

As you can see, a lot of people live in Bakersfield. Its a big place. Bakersfield is known for its warm summers which makes a lot of people call it a desert. By some definitions (yearly rainfall) it is a desert but its not your typical desert landscape. Bakersfield is set at the southern end of the San Joaquin Valley, one of the most fertile valleys in the world. Next time you're at the grocery store and you buy the baby carrots from Bolthouse Farms, check where they came from....yup Bakersfield. And what about those Clementine Cuties that everyone loves? Yup you guessed it....Bakersfield. The list goes on and on. A lot of our nation's produce comes from that valley and yes, even from Bakersfield.

Being that its in a valley, Bakersfield is surrounded by mountains on three sides. One of my favorite drives is through the Tehachapi mountains and foothills down into Bakersfield in the spring time. The wildflowers are stunning and its beautiful. Granted, the hills are brown most of the year, but the show they put on in the spring more than makes up for the rest of the year.

Wildflowers in the Tehachapi Mountains outside of Bakersfield in the spring!

Golden poppies on the foothills of Bakersfield

The Kern river that runs through Bakersfield is a great river to raft on and flows through the beautiful Kern Canyon. Its a dangerous river for swimming but great for rafting!

The east side of Bakersfield has lots of rolling hills that give way to some bluffs that give a beautiful view if you're not distracted by the oil fields below. The bluffs themselves are a beautiful place to run or walk. Below you'll see a beautiful sunset on the bluffs!

North Bakersfield is covered with oil fields and has oft been described as looking like Iraq!

Though it does get very hot here, its also been known to snow on rare occasion!

The bluffs covered with snow!

One thing I love about Bakersfield is that it randomly shows up in the oddest places.
  • Movie, Where the Heart Is - She talks about moving to Bakersfield cuz it "sounds nice"
  • Movie, Castaway - He finds an old outhouse that he attempts to use as a shelter on his raft. The side of the outhouse says, "Bakersfield, CA"
  • TV show Brothers and Sisters, One episode called Bakersfield...apparently they traveled there from L.A.
  • Nashville West - home of the "Bakersfield Sound" in country music made famous by Buck Owens and Mearle Haggard. Hardcore country fans KNOW Bakersfield!
  • This is what prompted this post....the other day I was in a classroom where the students were practicing their handwriting. I had to do a double take when I saw the page they were working on. I almost laughed out loud.

So this has been a very random blog about a place where I no longer live but I have many fond memories of home. To end I thought I'd include a funny video from Youtube where they interviewed people about the best and worst of Bakersfield.  Their answers are pretty right on..a couple are hilarious!  There is another video rap about Bakersfield on Youtube which is hilarious but not entirely appropriate so I won't post it but you can look it up if you choose (Its called, Armpit of the State).

Its a great place to grow up and the people there just can't be beat. Lots and lots and lots of really good people! Its not a perfect place and has lots of flaws....but for today....I love you Bakersfield!


Stephanie said...

Way to bring the Bakersfield pride! he he
Thanks for the well wishes, too, Boyce! We'd absolutely LOVE to see you and meet your blushing bride. :) Kelly is also there in Vegas, so we ought to arrange a little cohort reunion! When he have our new address and things, I'll send them along to you.

Andrea said...

im sorry but the video is funny. i haven't seen the other one but the fact that it is called the armpit of the state made me laugh. california poppies are BEAUTIFUL!

Rinez said...

You go, Boyce! Way to defend our home and set folks straight!

Lisa R.D. said...

I feel repentant for thinking about you every time we drive through Baker... even though I say to Ryan each time, "I know Boyce is from Bakersfield, but every time we pass through Baker I can't help thinking about him."

Great photos--it looks like a place with a lot of beauty and charm. To you it's your home and that's all that matters.

Tamara Atkin said...

I agree 100% with everything you said. I have always loved Bakersfield, even though I find few people to agree with me. And, I must admit that when I go back it doesn't seem the same and I wonder if I imagined it's goodness.
I truly believe you have to live there to get the good parts. It's the people first and the lack of weather second (no snow, no rain, just air in the sky and a little dirt).

RyanH said...

Oh, Boyce! I've been through Bakersfield, it's where that big thermometer is! ;)

The Larsens said...

I lived in Bakersfield when I was 3 or 4. My great uncle still lives there and I take my grandmother out to see him once a year. Way to show your home town pride.

Zsuzs said...

Boyce, I loved the pictures of Bakersfield. Especially the canyon with the flowers. I actually set it as my desktop background at work! It makes me miss America really bad, I hope I can go back and visit soon and I'll for sure include this beautiful canyon in my plans!!

The Road Less Traveled. said...

LOL Boyce, you crack me up! That was VERY educational :)

Lindy said...

can I link my blog to this? Right on!

Zachariah Parry said...

You should send this to the Bakersfield chamber of commerce. I'll bet you'd give their description a run for its money.

Becky said...

You crack me up. I've seen that picture of the Tehachapi mountains but didn't know that's where it was. references. There's one where a bunch of Dons are introducing themselves and saying "Don Fransisco", "Don Diego", etc. and one of them says "Don Bakersfield". Have you seen that? I can't remember what it is.... Anyway, thanks for the most informative post.

beautifuldey said...

Thanks Boyce! You said it just right. I love Bakersfield, and although I will probably never live there again, it is a place I loved growing up in and feel grateful to call home. Where else could I have been picked up for seminary in such a cute yellow car!


Adam and Jana said...

Boy "c"- I am so glad you wrote this blog on Bakersfield. And I am certainly thankful that you clarified and educated everyone on Bakersfield vs. Baker and Barstow. When I start a blog I might just have to copy and paste this blog onto mine! You are great. Jana

Papa Randy said...

I am glad you can't see the tear in my eyes. I want to live in Bakersfield. Oh wait I do. I am goint to stop wanting to move as much as I did in the past. Sounds like a not to bad plac to live.