Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sleigh ride with the elk

After a quick check in at the Ashley Inn we drove up the road a little ways to catch a sleigh ride to see the elk. It was cold but we bundled up and brought blankets with us. Again, the country side was absolutely gorgeous but I wasn't prepared for the experience of driving right into the middle of a herd of elk that come right up to the sleigh to eat from the hay.

There weren't too many people on our ride which made it nice. The elk were magnificent. It was really cool to watch them in their own environment. There were only a few bull elk and they were sure to make their presence known. One young bull especially loved to bully around the other elk and got very fiesty. We think he was showing off for us.

Our driver was very informative and told us all about the elk and their behavior. We weren't supposed to really interact with the elk but they had no problem nudging our bums with their noses to get to the warm hay. When the bull elk came around it was a little trickier because their antlers were a little scary!

We just sat and observed the elk for a long while. It was beautiful and peaceful and magnificent. We were sad when it was over but glad at the same time as it was getting very cold!

After the sleigh ride, we drove up to the town of McCall where we had a great Valentine's dinner (that we had to wait a little too long for)! It was a great evening and we were glad to arrive back in our comfy hotel room at the Ashley!

Happy Valentine's Day Suzanne! I LOVED our first Valentines Day together and am so thankful to have such an amazing and beautiful (inside and out) wife. Thanks for making me feel like such a great guy! I love you! MWAH!


Rinez said...

What a fun experience!

Lemme said...

that would freak me out!!

Camille said...

What a cool sleigh ride!