Friday, April 23, 2010

I can see clearly now.....

So a few weeks ago we were noticing how spotted and dirty are windows were. A combination of winter storms, dirt, sprinkler overspray and just lack of cleaning left our windows in pretty bad shape. We decided it was time to get them professionally cleaned and WOW! The difference is amazing. I'm sitting on the luv sac in the family room watching the evening sun set on the beautiful Rocky Mountains and I'm LOVING the spotless view.

We had such a good experience with the window cleaning company we hired that we would definitely do it again. Cascade Window Cleaning was professional, friendly and efficient. They cleaned our windows inside and out and it didn't even take them that long. They even had a doggy mascot who quickly caught Bailey's eye and they were fast friends. If you've ever wondered or contemplated getting your windows done, we would highly recommend it. We hired them here in Provo but I know they also do windows in Park City.

Here's to clean windows!!!


Rinez said...

Lucky! I was just looking at ours and thinking it's about time. We do have another storm coming next week, so I'll wait a bit. I'm envious that you could hire it done. I wouldn't dare have the inside done because of the double windows. It would cost a fortune!

Camille said...

I'm so glad you are loving your new view. I LOVE it when my windows get washed. It really makes my day so happy--really REALLY HAPPY!! :) I had never had someone else wash my windows before until we became really good friends with someone who owns his own window washing company. It is worth EVERY penny I believe! This post makes me want to call him up and wash my windows asap!

Lindy said...

I'm also glad you enjoy your view but think it a little odd that you took their photo! Did you tell them they were gonna be on your blog? Did you have to pay them for their photo op? :)