Saturday, May 15, 2010

Welcome to Branson!!!

So for our "summer" vacation this year we decided to go early and go visit some of Suzanne's childhood memories in northwest Arkansas and southwest Missouri. So we both took the week off of work and flew out to Branson.

Upon arriving in Branson, we immediately realized that we were out of our age bracket and most people seemed to be 30 + years our senior. The airport in Branson is small yet nice and dressed up to look like an old saloon/barn type atmosphere. We speedily rented our car and drove into town to try to make an afternoon showing of The Twelve Irish Tenors.

We made it and had a good time in the show. The tenors were fun and the music was nostalgic and brought back lots of memories. During intermission Suz tried on some of the local apparel. What do you think?

Even though we were much younger than the rest of the audience, it was a fun show and we really enjoyed it. I was impressed with the family friendly atmosphere of Branson and also the religious undertones that accompanied each show and also the people in the area. People were not shy nor hesitant to mention God or Christ in daily conversation and share their testimonies through music or through word during any given moment. It was quite refreshing actually. At the end of the show Suz got a picture with her favorite tenor. She thought he looked the most authentic. I think she secretly has a crush on him.

Here's a sample of their music if you want to listen in:

After the show we went and checked into our hotel and then enjoyed dinner at the Lonestar Steakhouse. Again we were impressed with how nice everyone was. Suz's meal wasn't brought out with mine and immediately the manager came and apologized along with the waiter. We ended up with two free desserts (which we did NOT need). Incredibly nice and hospitable.

After dinner we went to catch another show for the night. We went to see the group SIX, an a cappella group of brothers originally from Orem, UT. The show was packed and we were glad we had seats. Apparently its one of the hottest shows in Branson. Again we were entertained with great music that brought us to tears of joy and gratitude. Again, it was great to be in a place that was clean and wholesome and filled with good music that was both uplifting and religious as well. These guys were amazing as EVERYTHING was done with their instruments at all. It was very well done and fun to listen to. At the end they sang a tribute to their mom who died of cancer a few years back. These six brothers sing but they have 4 four more younger brothers. The song was called "Love times ten" representing their mom and the love she had for her ten sons. Here's a couple clips of Six.

We went back to our hotel exhausted but uplifted after such a fun afternoon and evening.


Rinez said...

Thanks for sharing about your trip. I love the clips and no doubt, I'd be in tears the whole time. What a treat!