Friday, July 16, 2010

Independence Day Weekend

It was kind of fun having the 4th of July fall on a Sunday this year. We were able to celebrate and bbq on Saturday, reverence our nation on Sunday through patriotic church services and other services and then celebrate again on Monday with the observance of Independence Day.

Suzanne and I with friends Cami, Angela and Sandra!
Carrie Underwood doin her thing on stage!
Saturday we had some friends over for a bbq and then headed up to Stadium of Fire at Edwards Stadium with Carrie Underwood. The show was great and patriotic and made my eyes water on occasion. The fireworks were very fun and it only took us about 25 minutes to get home (normally about 5).

On Monday we started super early. I woke up about 4:45 to go pick up my packet for the Freedom Run 5k. After getting my packet I went and staked out a spot for the Freedom Days Parade in Provo. Around 6:30 I was joined by Suzanne and our friend Cami. Cami and I left for the Freedom Run while Suz held down the fort at the parade. The run was great and its fun to run down the parade route with thousands of people watching.

After the run we watched the parade. I haven't been to a parade in a long while. The Freedom Days parade is actually quite good. I was impressed and the atmosphere was super fun. The overall theme this year was Boy Scouts of America since its their 100th anniversary.

Align Center

We had lunch at the Freedom Days food booths and then headed home to meet Mom and Dad as they were passing through on their way home from Idaho. Dad was nice enough to help me install our new dishwasher and then I fired up our new grill and cooked up some corn and filet mignon! YUM! Happy 4th of July!