Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice

Well, probably most of you know, but Boyce & I are so excited to announce that we're welcoming a little girl into our family! The little gal is expected to arrive Jan. 17th, and we are anxiously counting down the days. We are at 19 weeks; only 21 more to go.

We are SO excited to welcome this bundle of joy into our family and can honestly say she is an answer to many prayers. She will be our own little miracle, and in fact, everything about her has already been a miracle. We first found out we were expecting on Mother's Day. That evening, I asked Boyce to give me a blessing of comfort, and even then, I felt this pregnancy was to be different. I felt very strongly it was going to work out. We quickly calculated her due date, and when I realized her due date was my sister's birthday, I felt even more reassured.

The picture below is our beautiful girl at 15 weeks. Even at 15 weeks, she is the most perfect, precious site I have ever beheld.

Everything about pregnancy causes me to marvel and strengthens my faith and testimony in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. How else do you explain all of the intricate, natural systems and development taking place each week, creating a perfect little body and merging it with an independent thinking, human soul? No other explanation will satisfy. There is a Heavenly Father who created this magnificent universe, this earth and solar system, the millions of different animals and plants - and this crowning creation called man or woman. We have this Heavenly divinity within us, if we will only let it shine and draw upon our Father in Heaven and our brother Jesus Christ.

I am so grateful to be able to bring a beautiful daughter of God into this world, and that we can raise her in a righteous, loving home. I pray that, despite our mistakes, she will never forget where she comes from and always remember that truly this mortal experience is just a short piece of an eternal journey.


Sara said...

Beautifuly written! I am so happy for you and your sweet family! You are going to be an awesome mama!

Jaime said...

Having a girl first is Just Awesome!! I hope to see many pictures of that belly!
P.S. I can't see the last 2 pictures you put on... I'll keep trying.

Rinez said...

Your testimony is beautiful, Suze, and that little girl is so blessed to have you as her mommy.

Jodi said...

I hope Boyce kept the email I sent him after the first ultrasound where I PREDICTED girl. Ok so I know it's 50/50 chance but I'm just say'n...CONGRATS! We are so excited for you two!