Sunday, August 22, 2010

Week 19 - Introduction

Dear Baby Girl,

I admit I am copying this idea from a blog I saw, but I thought it was so cute and had to do it. So every week, I'm going to write you a letter, and you can get to know me and your Dad. So this first letter is an introduction. I am your mom, and have been waiting for you for a long, long time. And I am very glad you've decided to join us.

Your Dad and I have been lucky to see what you look like at 6 weeks, 10 weeks, 15 weeks, and now 19 weeks. You are amazing, and wow do you grow fast! Apparently, you are now the size of a banana, or something like that. But don't worry you are MUCH cuter than a banana.

You've been kicking a lot lately - did you know that? Daddy told me you're not meaning to kick necessarily, but really, you are quite the little athlete. At our last appt. the other day, you were squirming all around, and refused to give the technician a good view of your heart. Though your heartbeat is strong - a healthy 167 beats p/min.

Daddy got to feel you kick for the first time yesterday. You must have enjoyed dinner because you were really going to town. Maybe you'll like Mexican food as much as your mommy, because that's what I had for dinner yesterday.

Did I tell you Daddy and I were convinced you were a boy? And I mean we were CONVINCED! All of Daddy's brothers had little boys first, so we figured you'd follow that pattern. We'd picked out some boy names and everything. But no - you chose a different path! We are so excited that you're a girl and have been busy planning your nursery to make it perfect for you when you arrive. We hope you'll like it!



Julie said...

Little girls make very nice first children, as I'm sure you'd agree. ;) Also, I don't know who says little girls are less active than boys, that is certainly not the case around here either! So excited for you!!

Rinez said...

You look very cute pregnant! Isn't fun once you start showing? And more fun to feel that little body moving around inside. I always loved that part the best!

Lindy said...

so sweet, I love this idea also! And you are adorable, Suz!

Janel said...

You Do look so cute Suz!

Kat said...

Look at your little bump!!! I love it! I'm so excited for you and I love the idea of writing a letter, VERY cute.