Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Week 21 - Nursery, Clothes, and a Stroller!

Dear Baby Girl,

Wow have you grown, and so have I! All of a sudden I look and feel very pregnant and I'm convinced that you're perfecting your own set of acrobatics in there. So Daddy and I made a lot of progress this weekend in getting ready for your arrival.

First of all, we went to Swiss Days this weekend and it was SO fun shopping for you! We found an adorable painting of dragonflies and then two smaller matching picture of butterflies. We also found a cute wall hanging that says "I am a Child of God" so you'll never forget who you come from. But I think my favorite find was an adorable cream satin and lace skirt that you can wear when you're 3 months old. In fact, when I told the lady you're my first baby, she got so excited that she agreed to make you a matching satin and lace top for free. See how many people already love you? I also found two cute dresses you can wear in the summer that you'll look beautiful in of course.

The biggest purchase of the weekend was that we got you your stroller and car seat! After a lot of reading and researching, and looking at our friends' stroller/car seat system, we decided on the one we wanted for you. Forgive me, it's not all frilly and cute, but in case you're joined by a baby brother in the future, we needed to find one that didn't seem too girly. But I promise it's still cute and most importantly it will keep you safe.

Okay but I saved for last my favorite purchase for you! I ordered this cute butterfly/dragonfly mobile for you special on Etsy.com (love that site!) and I think you will love it. I hope you love it as much as I do. I had it made in the same colors as you're bedding that your Grandma is making for you.

Guess what else we did this weekend?! We started painting your nursery! Okay, well, we never actually got to the painting part, but we did clean out your room and did all the masking, so now all your room needs is the coat of paint, which we'll add soon.

I love you!



Jaime said...

Suzanne, I am so crazy excited for you... is there any chance you are coming through K falls before she is due? I would love to make some girly girl stuff for her.

Julie said...

Sounds like you are having a blast! :) Have you registered for baby stuff anywhere?

Lizzy said...

Congratulations Suzanne! I found your blog through Dan and Autumn. How wonderful and exciting!
--Lizzy Lyde Smith

Rinez said...

This is such a cute way to talk to your baby and to share with all of us. I LOVE the mobile!

Jodi said...

Thanks for reminding me of the joys and excitement surrounding your first child. I remember all the anticipation...I could hardly wait! My pregnancy seemed so long yet there was so much to prepare for. I am glad you are treasuring and enjoying each step.