Sunday, September 26, 2010

Happy 2nd Anniversary Suzanne

Today we celebrate 2 amazing years of marriage and I can't believe how fast time flies. As we've mentioned to each other before, 2 years have flown by yet at the same time it seems like we've always been together! I just wanted to let you know how much I love you and how thankful I am for you. Here are just a few of the reasons why I love you and am so thankful for you.

1. Your smile - When you really smile at me it completely makes my day. The greatest reward I can get for anything I do is a smile from my sweetheart.

2. Your laugh - I love laughing with you. Just like we learned this weekend....when you can laugh at it, everything will be ok!

3. Your sweet innocence - You help remind me always of how we're supposed to be. Your sweet innocence and the way you approach life in that innocence is truly humbling and beautiful.

4. You are a complete hottie - Of course you know this already from your flirty single days...I just had to remind you that you're the most beautiful woman alive and I'm glad you're mine!

5. The way you cry - Now don't get me wrong...I hate it when you cry. It hurts more than anything....but the way your bottom lip starts to quiver and puff out is the cutest thing I've ever seen.

6. The way you take care of our beautiful home. I know you wish you had more time at home and hopefully that will happen soon but you do such a good job taking care of our home and me...I know you take that job seriously and I love how important it is to you.

7. How much you love our baby. You are going to be such a great mother. She gets so much care and love from you now and you've sacrificed so much for her already. I know you're going to be an amazing mother and our little one is so lucky to have you.

8. I love the way you care about me....I don't quite understand it but I am so thankful that you love me. I have so many imperfections and yet somehow you see past all of those and still manage to think I'm great. That makes me love you so much!

Thank you for an amazing two years together. You're the best thing to happen to me! I can't wait to spend the rest of eternity with you!

I love you!


Rinez said...

What fabulous sentiments to your wife,Boyce. May I just say that I agree with them all. Suzanne, you are perfect for our Boyce and he waited a long time for you. How often I prayed for you to come along! Thanks for the smile that is always in my heart when I think of "Boyce and Suzanne."

Janel said...

Ditto to what Mom said! We love you Suz!