Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Baby Shower

So my dear friends Cami and Jen were kind enough to throw me a baby shower. Originally, I had thought about perhaps doing the shower at a tea time at the Grand America or another tea room, but the practical side of me took over and instead I opted doing a simple cozy shower at Jen's house. The girls were so sweet and decided to make it a tea time theme anyway!

Check out the cute little scones, cookies, and ribbon sandwiches Cami made! She is so sweet! And the fun baby shower favors Jen found. SO cute!

And look at the fun little tea sets that the girls found as part of the decor! I LOVED it!

It was so wonderful to have so many of my girlfriends there - from all sorts of walks of life. In fact, one of my best friends in the world, Julie, who lives in Germany, happened to be coming out to Utah for Thanksgiving, and I got to have her at my shower!

My friend Jules and I. :) Love You Princess Jules!

Another wonderful treat was that my sister Kathleen was able to fly out here for the weekend and be at my shower.

Kat and I! Definitely My Better Half!

All of my friends completely spoiled me, and I walked away bearing lots of wonderful gifts that I know my sweet baby girl will love. In fact, my dear friend Alicia surprised me with a beautiful, handmade car seat cover in the same fabric as I had picked out for my nursery - unbeknownst to her! She just knows me well!

Alicia and I. Roommates for 6 Years!

More Fun! Cute Cami in the Blue. My Friend Whom I Aspire to Be Like.

Thank you, dear sweet friends, for giving me such a perfect shower. I could not ask for better girlfriends. I love you all dearly!

This post wouldn't be complete without mentioning how much I love and adore my sweet husband. Boyce surprised me with a gift at the shower - the Pack N' Play we had registered for - accompanied by a sweet card. I am a lucky lady, and this little gal is lucky to have Boyce as a dad!