Sunday, October 24, 2010

Week 28 - Your Mommy!!!

Hi Baby Girl,

This is your Daddy! I have let your mom do all the talking but I decided I should chime in and talk to you a bit as well. Mostly I just want to brag about your mommy and how great she is and how much she loves you.

You've started getting the hiccups a lot lately. I even felt them the other night. Its just another confirmation that you're alive inside of Mommy and that you're a becoming this cute little person that's going to join our family soon. Your Aunt Megi had the hiccups a lot when she was in Grandma's tummy. I remember watching Grandma's tummy bounce up and down with the hiccups whenever Aunt Megi would have them. Maybe that means you're going to be like Aunt Megi!!! Who knows? We love wondering what and who you'll be like.
Here's Mama in the new glider!

We've got your nursery pretty much all put together now. The glider came this week as did the mattress for your crib. The glider is Mommy's favorite. She sits in it all the time and just enjoys your bedroom. It also feels really good on her back. Since you're getting bigger, her back is having a hard time on some days so the glider gives her the support she needs. Your mom has decided on all the decor she wants and we've found most of it, we (I) just need to get it put up on the walls now. Your Grandma Campbell is making all of your bedding and the curtains and I know she's already started working on it so as soon as she gets that done then we'll put that in your room as well. You will LOVE your Grandma. I hope that you take after her in so many ways. She's a great woman and you will love her.
These are two of the drawings we got to up in your room! We hope you like butterflies and dragonflies!

Now, I wanted to tell you a bit about your wonderful mother. I have loved watching her get ready for you to come and I can tell she loves you so much already. She has sacrificed so much for you already and is going to make the best mother. She has given up her exercise because her body has had a hard time carrying a baby so the doctor said she couldn't run or bike the way she loves while she is carrying you. She loves you so much that its not a big deal.
We got this so you'll never forget where you come from. (and to help remind us as well)

She worries about you constantly and wonders about you all the time. We talk about what to name you and what you'll be like and how we'll take care of you. Now, your mommy LOVES sweet things. Chocolate especially but any sweet thing is her passion. Lately she loves cupcakes. Now just to show how much she loves you, she is starting to eat a lot less sweets. The doctor told her she has gestational diabetes so that means she has to watch her sugar intake now and be careful. As hard as it is for her, she doesn't think twice about giving it all up to take care of you.

We love you so much and can't wait for you to get here. Your mommy is a trooper and is taking such good care of you while you're inside. Can't wait for you to get here!




Erka said...

What a sweet post! Boyce, you and Suzanne are going to be such great parents! You already are and that baby girl probably feels that even now in her mother's womb.
Love the butterfly and dragonfly decor!

Rinez said...

This is the best idea! She will cherish these someday! Thank you for your loving words. I, too, am excited for her to get here. I love her.

MegiJones said...

Sorry to hear about the diabetes, Suz!!! Glad that it's under control though. And I never knew I had lots of hiccups so thanks for sharing that Boyce! :) The nursery is looking sooooooo adorable! Can't wait to see it you all!

Jennie Brown Stephens said...

I can not even tell you how excited I am for you guys!! BEST PARENTS EVER!!
Diabetes stinks like skunks when you are pregnant!UGH! I feel so bad for her!! I had with when I was pregnant with Jackson, it was hard to watch the sugar intake, but I just wanted a healthy baby, so it was worth it!!! Take care of your sweet Suz, and spoil her rotten!!