Sunday, October 17, 2010

Week 27 - Stripes

Dear Baby Girl,

So this weekend Daddy had his Fall Break (UEA) and your room was the lucky recipient of most of his time! Daddy is AMAZING at painting (he's got that streak of perfectionism in him when it comes to doing things around the house), and this weekend he finished painting your room. He even agreed to paint stripes on one wall. Your Daddy is an angel - you'll learn that soon enough. Now I'm going to unabashedly brag but I can't help it - I ABSOLUTELY love how the painting of the walls turned out!

After Daddy finished painting, I asked him if he would want to put together the dresser and changing table, and so we did that too. Daddy gave your Mom a job that didn't seem too intimidating (dealing with the drawer slides), which kept me busy for awhile. Although, at one point, a screw kept falling on the ground before I could get the screwdriver onto it, making it VERY difficult for a pregnant lady to peer down close enough to the carpet to find it and pick it back up. And well, sadly that sort of did it in for me, and poor Daddy had to finish up the dresser by himself.

The end result of your room (sans the glider, which is currently on order) is very feng-shui, if I do say so. My next task is to find some cute wicker baskets to put on the shelves in the changing table. Anyone know where to find cute wicker baskets? Babies R Us's selection was appallingly sordid.

Did I tell you I'm reading Baby Wise? I'm so glad I'm reading that book, but can I just tell you I don't know how I'm supposed to remember everything I'm reading (abnormal cry times / normal cry times / different cries mean different things / and so on ...)! I think I'm going to re-read the book when you arrive.

We just had our 27-week check up and everything sounds great. Your heartbeat is healthy and strong. You're measuring slightly small, so I'm wondering if you're going to end up being slightly small, like me. I guess I'll just have to wait to see you to know! :)

Love you!


Tracy said...

Love the stripes! Its super cute.

Julie said...

Suz, you look adorable and I can't wait to see you in person! IKEA has good basket selection. And also, the books are great, and I read like mad when I'm pregnant, but YOU will be the expert on your baby and I KNOW you'll be amazing at it. :)

Jodi said...

LOVE IT! Thanks for the cute updates. Can I say that the books that made the most sense to me were "The Happiest Baby on the Block" and "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child." I like reading a bunch of philosophies and then figuring out what works best for me and my baby. GOOD LUCK!

Rinez said...

I LOVE the paint job! It's going to be such an adorable nursery. I need to get busy!

We Joneses said...

Just found your blog and learned that you're expecting! Congratulations!! Hope you're feeling well Suzanne and that everything comes together soon. I found baskets for our changing table at pier 1.