Sunday, October 10, 2010

Week 26 - Ready Already!

Dear Baby Girl,

Well, guess what?! We are nearing the end of our 2nd trimester - just one more to go! We're also less than a 100 days now (99 days to be exact), so the end is in sight when I get to meet you (sort of!). Although I have a hankering suspicion that these last 100 days aren't going to go quite as quickly as the others. I really want to meet you and am ready for you to come NOW!

Daddy and I finished registering yesterday, and it was so fun to pick out things that we thought you'd need and want. We've now also got your dresser and changing table, so most of the big pieces of your nursery are just waiting to be put together.

Dad gets a 4-day weekend this weekend, so we're hoping he'll have time to finish painting your nursery. I can't wait for you to see it.

I feel you kick every couple of hours, which I love! I'm glad you're active and that you can reassure me that you're growing and doing well. Apparently, though, you like being a bit of a drama queen (not shocking), because you've made me nervous a couple of times, and in fact, the last two ultrasounds we've received, you've had your hand over your forehead ("woe is me" - already?)! But dear sweet baby girl, would you please do me a favor and not make me go on bed rest the last few months, because I'm not that patient, and I do think I might go stir crazy if that were to happen. And what's worse, I think I might drive dear Daddy crazy too. I will make a compromise and slow my pace down a bit, if you can promise me you won't make me do that. Deal? Good. :)

I'm reading lots of good books so that I can at least try to be prepared for your arrival. Right now, I'm learning that you need a sleeping schedule to be happy. And guess what? I also need you on a sleeping schedule to be happy. It's a win-win.

I love you so much and I really, really wish that January were closer. Only 99 more days (but who's counting!).



Rinez said...

Look at you cute little Mommy! So excited for this princess to come, but not too soon. I've got to get sewing on the layette!

Jaime said...

THANK YOU for putting a picture on of your baby bump! Love it, you look fantastic. Are you ever coming to Klamath Falls? I forgot where you guys are exactly in UT. Provo? We will be in St. George for Thanksgiving, wish I could come see you.

Camille said...

You look so great! And cute little letter too!