Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Christmas 2010

So this year was a very different Christmas from what Boyce or I are used to. Instead of packing up presents and driving or flying somewhere to be with family, instead we spent Christmas at our home, just the two of us. We are now in the "no travel zone" via the pregnancy, so we really couldn't go anywhere. Boyce's family had a family reunion planned in Arizona beginning the day after Christmas, which meant his family was all headed down south for the holidays, and my family opted to do Christmas in Oregon and come visit Boyce and I to see the baby this spring, which is what we all preferred anyway.

We decided to take advantage of the calm, cozy Christmas, and admittedly had a wonderful time. On Christmas Eve, we read Luke 2 and watched a movie about the nativity. It made for a peaceful, wonderful way to bring in Christmas. We also decided to open one gift each that night. Since Boyce and I really mainly needed a few remaining baby items, we decided we'd buy and surprise each other with baby stuff, and simply get one small "non-baby" gift for each other.

On Christmas morning, we woke fairly early, got up and threw some cinnamon rolls in the oven, and sat in front of the tree to begin the gift-giving. Boyce surprised me with the exersaucer I had fallen in love with (it is VERY girly), some essential feeding and other miscellaneous necessities, and a cute little newborn girl outfit.

Cute Little Outfit Kat Got Us

I gave him a baby gym set that provides 3 different stages for baby as she grows that he had mentioned he'd liked, and the bouncer from our registry. We both got each other a few different little things for the upstairs guest bathroom, which we're re-doing in rubber ducky theme. The best part is that on Christmas Eve as I was fishing for a gift to open, one of the presents Boyce had gotten for me started quacking! I learned Christmas morning it was a ducky soap dispenser. The thing seems to have a life of its own, because sometimes it will quack independently of anyone being in the bathroom. The quacking might get old, but not yet. :)

We finished off Christmas with a yummy Christmas dinner, consisting of a Honeybaked ham (those things are expensive, but YUMMY!), cheesy potatoes, a green bean casserole, and for dessert--a lemon meringue and chocolate mousse pie (thank you Lion House Pantry for the delicious chocolate mousse pie).

Next year, our Christmas will be more traditional, surrounded by family and of course our new little one. But for this year, we got to enjoy the love we have for each other, and the simple joys of reflecting on our Savior. And it was a very Merry Christmas.