Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Week 38 - Here We Are

Dear Baby Girl,

Guess what?!!! I get to meet you NEXT week (or sooner!). Doc has scheduled an induction for this coming Monday, Jan. 10th. Normally it would be routine to let you bake until you're completely ready, but since Mommy is on blood thinners and has diabetes, it's better for you to come out a little more scheduled. Regardless, I can tell just by the way my body is acting that you'd come out on your own around that same time anyway.

Are you ready to meet your Mommy and Daddy? Hopefully you'll recognize our voices, since we've been talking and singing to you this whole time, especially Daddy, who can sing basically right into your ear (Mommy would have to maneuver into a really impressive yoga pose to get my face that close to you!).

One of your greatest joys in life at this point seems to be sticking your little foot out to my left side. Yup, I just checked, and your foot is there now. I wonder, will you do that when you're here? And you get the hiccups basically every day. Will that continue?

You and I both have to be brave on Monday, okay? If you can make that little trek out, that I can make it, too, right? We're a team -- and Daddy will help us too!

And guess who else you get to meet on Monday? Your Grandma Nez! She is an angel and is coming to take care of both of us next week. You are so very blessed to have a Grandma like her. I am sad to say that your other Grandma passed away 11 years ago, but because of that, I wonder, might you have already met her? She's Grandma Jan, and I know she loves you a lot too and will be watching over you from Heaven. :)

We're also going to Skype in your Grandpa John and Aunt Kathleen from the hospital once you're born. See how much you are already loved?

Everyone is so excited to meet you!

Love you,


. said...

Suzanne, you don't know me - I know your husband from Ricks, but I've enjoyed reading your blog as you have been preparing for this baby! If it's not too bold of me, I wanted to share a couple things with you, that you may already know. You mentioned that you might not be able to get an epidural and how that's kind of scary. I remember that feeling well. I have never been able to have an epidural and I've had 5 kids. My reasons are different - my labors are really fast, but really intense, and honestly I'm a whimp. I've always opted to have some pain meds added to my IV, which takes the edge off just enough that I'm not totally freaking out. Anyhow, it might be helpful for you, too, if you indeed aren't able to get the IV. It's crazy, and scary (with my first the nurse asked me if I wanted to start pushing and I said "NO!" - that part really scared me) but it's amazing, and wonderful and awesome and believe it or not, you almost immediately forget about the pain as soon as that little one hits your arms. Congratulations and good luck!! You'll both do great!

. said...

(I meant aren't able to get the epidural - I'm sure you figured that. .nice proof reading - sorry!)

Lemme said...

Oh my goodness!! Congratulations you guys! You might beat me!!

Rinez said...

Very tender and sweet and I'm in tears!

Canadian Princess said...

I started crying while reading this post Suzanne. Having gone through labour not too long ago (though longer than I would like to admit - it is crazy how fast time passes and how quickly your babe will be out of the newborn phase as you mentioned in the 37 week post I believe) I can understand your concerns and fears as I had them myself not long ago. having had to have an emergency c-section with Jacob I was really nervous about trying to do a vbac with eliana because of the risk of uterine tear/rupture. as such, the epidural ended up being a blessing for me as the pain combined with my fears of having a rupture or not being able to continue with the vbac (and then never being able to try a vaginal delivery) were too much for me. having said that, I know that our bodies are much more capable than we give them credit for and that if you are not able to have an epidural that you will be amazed at the strength you as a woman and mother have at bringing your daughter in to this world. (Ok, I've got tears running down my face now...I think I should stop.)

Not to mention I know the Lord will bless you and as you mentioned you will have Boyce to help you as well.

Please let me know if there's anything we can do for you during your time at the hospital as we are literally right down the street. I can't wait to meet your little angel too!