Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Grace's Baby Blessing

A couple of weekends ago we had Gracie's baby blessing. What a wonderful occasion! My and Boyce's parents, Boyce's sister Megi and her family, and several other of our closest friends and family joined us for the blessing. It couldn't have been a more perfect occasion.

Boyce's mother made Gracie's baby blessing dress, and it turned out to be exquisite. I asked her to make it out of my wedding gown and use some of the beadwork from the gown, and she transformed it into a beautiful blessing dress fit for a little princess, which Gracie is of course. :)

Boyce administered a really lovely blessing - praying for Gracie to receive an abundance of blessings, including:
  • Continued health so that she can enjoy good health throughout her life
  • A desire and love for the Gospel and the Lord
  • To be an example to her younger siblings and everyone around her
  • A desire to get an education
  • Integrity - that she'll have the strength and courage to do what's right
  • A love for wholesome, uplifting music that will help her grow closer to the Lord
After church, we all went home and had a feast and a VERY full house of people as we celebrated. It was so, so fun, and Boyce and I were sad to see everyone leave and our families to head back home.

Here's to many more occasions to celebrate our Gracie!


Jaime said...

She is just so sweet and I love how you used your wedding dress to make her beautiful gown.
I hope to see her someday soon.

Rinez said...

It was a very special and memorable weekend. Thankful we could be there to share in all of it! Love you!