Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Seven Months!

Our lil' Gracie Lou Lou is seven months old. I can't believe it and truly don't know where the time has gone. It seems like just yesterday my little angel baby was inside of me and I was wondering what she would look like and what her personality would be. Now I know she is a beautiful, healthy little baby with a fiery personality to match her strawberry blond hair!

At seven months, the little lady is SOLELY focused on moving around. She is rolling and scooting herself constantly. She has officially graduated from her gym set, which would require her to be stationary. And might I mention, the purpose of every game is to get Object A into her mouth.

She is a teething maniac. At four months she got her bottom two teeth, and two weeks ago I noticed her top two were breaking through. Just yesterday, Boyce and I looked again and saw another two breaking through. Poor baby. That would explain the continuous drooling and persistent impatience.

We are moving along the "solid food spectrum" quite nicely, and so far, she's liked everything except for green beans and rice. We've tried the store bought and homemade variety, both to no avail. But despite that, she'll appease us and down a good portion before protesting. I know she's my baby because her favorites are the sweetest foods, like sweet potatoes and peaches. That's my girl!

Gracie was a complete trooper on our vacations last month! Through all the driving, she really only fussed when she was ready for a nap, and liked watching the Baby Einstein videos we took with us.

She's becoming more and more like Boyce: the ultimate social butterfly. On our trips, it was practically impossible to feed her in public because there were people to coo to and interact with. On more than one occasion, Gracie would refuse to take the bottle until the people at the table next to us noticed her. Once she was satisfied with their attention, only then would she eat. Not kidding.

I love watching my girl learn and grow and play. Through watching her, I love remembering to find beauty and happiness in the little things. I'm learning too, and it is a wonderful thing. Love you Gracie!


Lindy said...

Sweet Gracie, we love you, too! So fun to see you learning and growing!

Kat said...

I LOVE her! We can't wait to see you guys. She is getting so big and chunky and just want to squeeze her!

Rinez said...

She's getting so big and doing so much! Her personality is wonderful! We love her and we love you!