Thursday, November 3, 2011

Nine Months

Wow, apologies to those who have given up on our blog. I'm terrible at keeping it up to date! But I would like to pay tribute to my lil' munchkin at her 9-month milestone! First off, Gracie's growth has tapered off. At 9 months, she weighs 19.4 lbs. (62%). She is 28.75" in length (87%). She was such a big girl at the doctor when he gave her her flu shot (yuck).

At 9 months, she is crawling around. Boyce describes it best and says she looks like a windup doll. It's so true! She still only has the 6 teeth, but we think we see two more poking through up top. Still just the two on bottom though. She is looking more and more like Boyce - the cheeks, the mouth, the expressions... I sometimes whine to Boyce that she somehow only got my vices, like my scowl and my impatience when it comes to eating time.

She loves, LOVES being social. Loves crowds. At storytime at the library, she could care less what we're reading or singing, but loves making friends with the other babies and adults. When we are in a restaurant, she cranes her neck to see the people at the tables all around us, not giving up until they flash her a smile.

This happened more at 9 1/2 months instead of 9, but she is a full-fledged stair climber. She LOVES stairs, much to Mama's dismay! We spend lots of time by the many stairs in our house so she can climb them (and may I mention we have a TON of stairs!). And until she learns how to climb down them, Mama and Daddy will be right beside her.

She says "Mama" crystal clear, though I don't think she necessarily knows it's me. We try to say "Daddy" but nothing yet!

She's getting great at games. We play hide-and-seek, and just last week she learned how to blink when we blink. Check out the video. So fun!

Love you little girl!