Monday, November 14, 2011


We had such a fun time this Halloween. For months I have been looking forward to dressing Gracie up and showing her off! After receiving a cute yellow and orange tutu and some bright orange fairy wings in a gift basket we got at Boyce's school carnival, we decided to dress Gracie up as a candy corn princess. I found a "Candy Corn Cutie" onesie and an orange bow to complete the outfit!

And wow did she turn out cute! :)

I got her dressed up and took her to Boyce's school Halloween parade. We walked in the parade with all of the kids, and I'm telling you, Gracie KNEW she was dressed up and cute! She had the time of her life!

We dressed her up one more time that day and took her to our friend Cami's for a Halloween dinner. What a great Halloween it was!


Rinez said...

She is an adorable candy corn princess! Love her to pieces!

Camille said...

Why didn't Boyce dress up? :)