Thursday, October 25, 2012

Barnyard Boo

Last Friday we decided to head up to Thanksgiving Point and check out Barnyard Boo, a Halloween festival for the under five-ers. It was so perfect for toddler age - and Grace loved it! There were a few games (Grace didn't quite get them, but she did enjoy the mini obstacle course!), wagon rides, and of course the highlight - pony rides. :) The line for the pony rides was a little insane, but I waited in line while Boyce and Grace scarfed down some dinner.

Grace wasn't sure about those chickens.
But she sure liked the baby chics!
Grace and Daddy eating dinner. Grace was SO proud she was eating like a big girl.
Pony time!

And also, most serendipitously, Thanksgiving Point was also hosting a Holiday Bazaar, which I felt very strongly I HAD to go into if we had time. We wandered in, and to our astonishment, several of Boyce's colleagues were in charge of the event and/or had booths there. It was fun meeting and mingling, and we even managed to walk away with two DARLING onesies for our upcoming little guy. Wish I had pics of those, but I don't. :)

Good times! Have I mentioned how much I LOVE autumn time with kids?