Thursday, October 11, 2012


This fall has been such a treat for us. Grace is getting to be old enough to really enjoy and take in lots of wonderful, new experiences. So yesterday when Boyce got home from work, I told him I thought we should take Grace to Pumpkinland. I had heard it was a perfect haven for little ones to experience the joy of fall and Halloween. And boy did we have so much fun!

First we wandered through actual Pumpkinland - a huge pumpkin patch. On our journey we saw lots of different kinds of gords (I never knew so many existed!), a very tiny corn maze, several scarecrows, etc., until we got to the end where all of the live animals were.

Gracie enjoyed a love-hate relationship with the animals. She was fascinated but was a little frightened by the fact that they moved. She would cautiously approach the fence and pet an animal, but the minute they took a step, snorted, moved their head, and so forth, she would very quickly back away. LOL. She is so my child. :) Never too careful. We got to see goats, chickens, ducks, bunnies (she knows what bunnies are and would excitedly yell "bana!" when we encountered them), turkeys, - even peacocks!

After we'd had our fill of all the animals, we went to the bounce house area. Grace LOVES bounce houses. She's not afraid and thinks they are all sorts of fun. There was another little girl just a couple of months younger than Grace whom she befriended and had a riot bouncing with in the bounce house (not sure the little girl had quite as much fun - she was frightened when Grace would start to jump).

Going down, as Grace calls it, "A-lide"

Our next adventure at Pumpkinland was the playground, where Grace got to swing and go down slides. Daddy even pulled her in the wagon. A first for her.

Then we wandered into the not-really-scary spook alley. We walked in, spent about 30 seconds, at which point Grace pronounced, "All done." I guess that wasn't really the highlight for her, but Boyce and I thought it was pretty fun. :)

Not-so-spooky spook alley.
All in all we had a marvelous time at Pumpkinland. I am sure we will be back in the coming years! Yay for fall!


Rinez said...

Thanks for sharing your special family time. I love Gracie's ponytail! Good times!

Julie said...

Okay, Gracie is SO ADORABLE! And I actually did laugh out loud when you said "never too careful" as I remembered you, freshman year, RUNNING across the street whenever "the hand!" appeared at a crosswalk. But hey, you never got hit by a car, right? Miss you! :)