Thursday, October 11, 2012

Four Year Anniversary!

This post is a little late, but I cannot move forward without at least mentioning Boyce and I celebrated our 4-year anniversary on Sept. 26th. My, oh my, how time flies! We have grown more in love, stretched ourselves as we've learned our own weaknesses, (hopefully) learned how to compromise more, and so, so much more. Marriage is a mighty beautiful blessing. :)

This year on the actual day of our anniversary, I coincidentally had an interior decorating class that evening. But since we were headed to Aspen Grove the coming weekend to celebrate, I thought that would be where we would pay tribute. Indeed, I was wrong. Indeed, I underestimated the tenderness of my sweet husband.

When I got home that night around 9:45, I walked in to our living room with candles lit and rose petals strewn. I walked upstairs into our bedroom to find the same - more rose petals, more candles, and some sparkling cider also! And this was something I thought only happened in the movies. Nope. It happens to me. Sorry, ladies, but my husband is taken. :) Love you honey!

Later that weekend we got to go to our annual anniversary celebration at Aspen Grove. Every year BYU hosts a marriage getaway retreat at Aspen Grove that just happens to correspond with our anniversary weekend. This was our third time going and as much of a treat as always. This year they served us a yummy dinner in the banquet room with all of the other couples (like always), and then we got to hear from Scott Anderson, an Institute teacher who studied marriage and who was absolutely phenomenal. Saturday afternoon, at the conclusion of the conference, Boyce and I walked away with some wonderful, spiritual insight on growing even closer as a couple and moving our marriage up the celestial continuum.

Beautiful scenery on our walk to Stewart Falls during the retreat.
Cheesy pose, I know. Again on our hike.
Another cheesy pose, but hey, these are the only pics we have so they will have to work!
Here's to another wonderful year with my sweetheart. Happy anniversary my love!


Julie said...

Happy Anniversary! You look great, by the way. :) So glad you and Boyce found one another.

Janel said...

awww!! So sweet! I'm so glad my brother found his soul mate in you! You two are perfect together and I love u both!