Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Aquarium & Roller Skating

So in a desperate attempt to find something to do during this month of frigid temperatures and horrible air quality, Boyce and I thought it might be fun to take Grace to the aquarium in Salt Lake. While it was fun, of course, there were many lessons learned, such as: 1) A two-year-old's attention span isn't the greatest at beholding nature's wonders like penguins or an octopus, and 2) never, ever go on a Saturday again. But despite these key learnings, we still managed to have a good time. After all, Boyce and I thought the penguins were super cool. Man can they swim fast! And the octopus was pretty cool, too (although really doesn't the octopus need a bigger tank than the cramped little tube they have it in in the corner?)! I tried really, really hard to get some good pictures at the aquarium. But alas, it really wasn't in the cards.

Not really looking at whatever is in there. Isn't the blurriness awesome?
Yup, still trying to take a good picture. Mission failed.
Well, we got a picture of her playing in the play area.
The other fun outing we went on recently was roller skating. Okay so a little about my hometown. There were only like three things to do for kids in Klamath Falls while I was growing up, and roller skating was one of them. And if you know me really well, or knew me as a kid, you know that I loved, loved, like really loved-and-worshipped roller skating. I took lessons as a kid and in fact I still have the same pair of roller skates I had back in junior high (yeah, they still fit and yeah, I still wear them whenever I happen to go roller skating). So when Boyce said his elementary school's family skate night was coming up last week, I couldn't wait to take Grace out on the floor. Oh wait, except for remember how I'm 35 weeks preggers and couldn't roller skate if I wanted to right now? That whole center-of-gravity thing is really a bummer. So fortunately for me I have a great husband who was willing to lace up some skates on our two-year-old and take her out.

It was a little scary because you know what? Unlike when I was growing up and there were only like 30 people roller skating, now the floor was packed with kids, and not only that, but now kids can take like razor scooters and whatever else onto the rink. And trust me, watching a 10-year-old boy who doesn't have much control wearing roller skates coming toward your husband and two-year-old is a little unnerving. I was pretty sure someone like my two-year-old was gonna' get creamed. But nope! In fact, Grace had a GREAT time. She sort of thought the best part was sitting down and letting daddy pick her up again was the coolest part, but I was one proud mama that my little toddler wasn't afraid to don some roller skates and attempt to move around. Yup, I see a future Kristi Yamaguchi or Sacha Cohen in the making. :)