Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day Dear Hubby

This Valentine's Day, I feel a little crazy. Scratch that. Make it this whole week. Now at 37 weeks, I am feeling the stresses more than ever of trying to tie up loose ends, finish projects, be 100% ready for Baby #2 while still nurturing Baby #1. And of course, it takes at least 3 pillows for me to get a good night's sleep, sometimes 4. And I pray like never before that Grace will have a good night's sleep, too, and not wake up. Seriously, why must late-pregnancy make one so crazy?!

And very sadly it seems that, in all of my stresses, my #1 champion and #1 hero who is working so hard to help me complete every project and tie up every loose end, is the one I am neglecting the most. Sure, I'm trying to enjoy ("trying" being the key word) these last few weeks of Gracie-time, but I have not been great at remembering to enjoy just as much these last few moments with my dear sweet husband before evenings and nights are taken up by newborn-baby time. Which I am very excited about. But it will be different.

So today I want to tell my husband:

  • I absolutely, unabashedly love you. I can't believe how lucky I am -- how blessed I am -- that you chose me for eternity! I count my lucky stars.
  • You are my #1 hero. You are superman. You are a true hero to me and to Grace and to many others as well.
  • Your hard work does not go unnoticed. I love how much you love your job and are so devoted to being a great principal. And I love how hard you have worked to try to help us get some things done before this baby comes. I know you have sacrificed several Saturdays to work on lots of things that are really my projects. :) I know you sacrifice for me all the time.
  • You are a great, great, GREAT dad. Your daughter lights up when she sees you and I know this little guy will, too.
  • And to steal a few last words from a great book: "You is kind, you is smart, and you is important." To me, you are all those things and many, many more. Forgive me dear husband for my craziness and my many glaring weaknesses that make your life more bumpy and complicated. Together we will maneuver this bumpy road, right?!
Love you! Happy Valentine's Day!