Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Introducing Connor John Campbell

On February 21st, at 12:17 pm, my little Connor John was born. It was truly love at first sight. I loved his beautiful brown hair and his newborn-baby blue eyes. His tan little complexion. His little hands and little feet. This man stole my heart from the get go, I tell ya'.

Connor John Campbell. Wt: 7 lbs. 13 oz. Ht: 19.5" Born 12:17 pm on 2/21/13.
So the story goes like this -- that Tuesday I had my regular doctor's appointment. I joked with him and said, "Listen, you would make my day if you told me I had to be induced this week instead of next." Because, let's face it, I was SO done being prego. He did his thing and said, "Look's like you might get your wish. You're dilated to a 4!" WHAT? I was astonished. And for all you peeps who may not know, because I have to be on blood thinners during my pregnancies, I have to go off of them before I go into labor, which is why I am induced. So the doc told me to stop taking my blood thinners and that he would induce me on Thursday. That was only two days away. TWO DAYS! Yippee!

As soon as I got to my car I called Boyce and told him the news. It took him seriously 5 minutes before he believed me. But he finally did and rushed off the phone to start making plans for work. And I called his mom to tell her the change of plans, too, since she was planning to come help me the first week I was to be home.

On Wednesday night, I hardly slept at all. I woke at 1 pm and couldn't fall back asleep I was so excited and anxious. Finally the next morning arrived, and we got the call from the hospital at around 7 am. I was first on the list to be induced! Our sweet friends the Blairs agreed to have Grace stay with them that day and night, so we hurried and dropped her off and made our way to AF Hospital.

We got to the hospital around 8 am, and like before, they were super efficient and had me hooked up to my IV by 9. I started to get pretty nervous by that time just because ... well ... because I was about to have a baby! I asked for my epidural pretty early on, and the anesthesiologist came and gave it to me. The worst part of my labor for sure was that after I got the epidural my blood pressure dropped and I passed out. As it was happening I told the nurse I was feeling sick to my stomach, and she ran to get the head nurse who came back just as I was going. They gave me something and I quickly came to, at which point I threw up all over the head nurse (whoops!). Poor thing. I felt terrible. And really anxious that I would pass out again. But I didn't.

After that things happened fast. And I was pretty proud of myself because when the contractions started really coming I was able to control my breathing and not get a second boost of the epidural. And Boyce of course was a great support to me throughout. The doc came in about noon and said I was ready to go. The most awesome part was that I only had to push three times (5 minutes) and baby Connor came!

They were a little concerned about his oxygen because my little guy was working a little hard to breathe, so they whisked him away to evaluate him, but thankfully by the time they had him down there and evaluated him he was doing just fine. So they cleaned him off and bathed him and then I got to spend some quality time with him.

I have to say, it was sure nice being in the hospital and having some bonding time with Connor alone. Boyce stayed the first night but then of course went home the next day to be with Grace. He brought her back to meet her brother, and she thought he was a "cute baby!" It wasn't until we got home that the real "adjustment period" for her set in (more about that later).

First hugs.
The other fun thing was that our good friends the Hodnetts had had twin babies about three weeks earlier, and because they were premies, they were still at the hospital, so we got to see them a couple of times, too, and meet their little boy and girl.

So that's the story of how Baby Connor came to be! We love him so much and it is so fun watching Grace be a big sister to him (now that she's adjusted, of course).

Welcome to the world Baby Connor!

Love those cheeks!
First smiles. :)
With Grandma!


Julie said...

Love, love, love!!! So glad that you are all doing well, and oh my goodness! is he ADORABLE. Hugs to you all. Miss you. :)

emily snyder said...

i am sooo happy for you guys!! beautiful, beautiful family!!!