Monday, May 27, 2013

Connor's Baby Blessing

Wow. It's been three weeks since my little Connor's baby blessing, so I'd better get this blog post up before I forget the details, because it was a GREAT weekend! Boyce's parents Doug and Rinez came up for the weekend, as well as Megi and Ty and kiddos. We were sure glad they drove such a long way for Connor's special day (thank you guys!). Rinez's siblings Dawnette, Star, Gaylawn, and Darren and their families also came for the blessing and the dinner festivities that followed.

At church, there were actually three baby blessings that day. We were the first, and Boyce administered a beautiful blessing, in which he said:
  • That Connor will continue to grow to be healthy and strong, and enjoy physical health throughout his life.
  • That he will grow physically as well as spiritually.
  • That he will be receptive and open to the teachings of his parents and other teachers he encounters in the church and other institutions.
  • That he will be open and sensitive to the spirit, and to know what is right.
  • That he will at the appropriate time make the righteous decisions to be baptized, to receive the Priesthood, and to serve a full-time mission and share the gospel with others.
  • That he will be open and friendly to those around him, and be a light to others around him. And that because of his example, people will seek the gospel.
  • That he will marry for time and all eternity in the temple.
  • That he will have power and strength to overcome adversity and trials that will befall him in this life.
  • That the power of the holy ghost and Heavenly Father and the strength of his family will help him through those difficult times.
After church, we hurried home to whip up dinner. Actually, Boyce had done a ton of prep that morning to save time. We served tamales (after all, it was Cinco de Mayo!), beans, lime cilantro rice, and Rinez's sisters were kind enough to bring desserts, so we had quite a feast. It felt like Connor knew the day was meant for him. He was in a great mood all day and loved all the cuddles and kisses he got throughout the day.

When we had a few minutes to spare, we rushed outside to take a few pictures. The picture taking was quite the comedy of errors, but they were enough to capture the joy we experienced that day.

Handsome daddy and son. Doesn't Connor look darling in his little tuxedo, complete with a bowtie and cumberbun!
Connor looks thrilled, doesn't he...
Probably the best picture of the day!
Connor and Grandma!
I think this is my personal fave, because Connor spit up right before taking this pic and Grace as you can see is not really into the picture taking at the moment. :)

Bart must be telling a story.

Cousin Mikah is holding baby Connor.
Connor, you sure are loved by lots of people! As your mama, I am excited to watch this beautiful blessing come to pass as you grow up. :)