Monday, May 27, 2013

Connor - 3 Months

Seriously, my newborn time is whizzing by and is practically gone. Aaah!!! Once again, it's time for me to document that my little man is one more month old. Three months. That's right, folks. Which means this little guy is cooing and smiling and laughing more than ever, and I LOVE it! Except for the occasional bad day when he's either tired or experiencing tummy troubles, Connor is generally one happy little fellow. He loves life and loves being loved.

He is also super, duper observant. He watches everything going on around him, and especially focuses on what Gracie is up to. He has discovered his hands and spends lots of time trying to stick them in his mouth, entire fistful and all. He sure loves his daddy but I am pretty sure this little guy is a Mama's boy, and man alive do I love that.

Connor has definitely found his voice. He coos a ton when he's happy and squawks a ton when he feels he's been abandoned (for instance, he now notices when I have to take Gracie to the bathroom, which feels like a bazillion times a day...).

He is making leaps and bounds when it comes to tummy time. He can hold his head up for quite a length of time before getting tired, and doesn't mind as much when he's put on his tummy. I kind of think he's going to be rolling over soon, but that hasn't happened quite yet.

Gracie sure does love her little brother, and is such a good older sister. She lets me know when he has spit up or is "py-ing"(aka "crying") or when he's "just chillen'."

Now that we have Connor, we really can't imagine life without him. What a blessing he is in our lives. Love you, Connor Bear!
So handsome!
Just chillen' in the Bumbo!
Smiling for Mama.

Love that he's getting some baby chubs!

Mommy and Baby!

This little man LOVES kisses!