Wednesday, June 5, 2013

School Carnival and Hogle Zoo

Well, May was a whirlwind for us, with Boyce busy wrapping up the school year. It also seemed like we had a bazillion sicknesses floating around our house, of which I am eternally grateful for wonderful friends who helped us through...

Amidst the chaos, though, we did manage to do a few things worth noting on the blog. One was we went to Boyce's school carnival at Cascade. What fun we had, especially Gracie! I think she could've ridden the swing ALL day. Can you find her? She's sporting a yellow shirt.

And she had her very first cotton candy...mmmm.

The other thing we did recently is go to Hogle Zoo. I took Connor and Gracie and met up with my good friend Cathy who has a daughter Gracie's age, and those two are good buddies. We also met up with our dear friend Patti and her cute little son. Connor was just a trooper and let us traipse around the zoo without getting too fussy. We saw all sorts of animals including monkeys, elephants (LOVED them), all sorts of bears, giraffes, a leopard and lynx - even an alligator - and Grace was just giddy as can be seeing these animals she hears so much about in books. We ate a quick lunch and even managed to squeeze in a carousel ride.

We're checking out the monkeys...

I think we were looking at the bears.

Eating her very first ice cream cone and quite happy about it. Not the first ice cream. Just the first in a cone. :)
Patty and Cathy and kiddos at lunch.
I know. At this point you're getting tired of the "back" shots. Sorry folks.
Finally a shot in which you can see the animal of interest...or at least most of it. Gracie LOVED the giraffes.
This might just be my favorite picture of the day. I just love her baby blue eyes. So pretty.