Thursday, July 18, 2013

Connor - 4 Months

So, since my sweet baby boy is 3 days away from his 5-month birthday, I had better blog about his 4 month milestones! Thankfully, I have been cataloging in my mind what I want to write regarding his 4 month mark...

This kid is beautiful. I know, he's my baby, so I'm biased. And I am. But I sure do think he is beautiful. Man, I love his blue eyes.

It seems like right at 4 months, my little guy started rolling over. He LOVES to roll over, but ironically, hates to be on his tummy. So for approximately 1 second he has fun and then the other 5 or 10 minutes I make him do tummy time he's upset. You're the one that did it to yourself, kiddo, and now ya' gotta' pay the consequences!

We started him on solids pretty much right at far months, thinking that maybe more solids would make him sleep through the night (um, no, didn't work). He doesn't really care much for rice cereal, thank you (and let's be honest, who would...some mushy, watery cereal made out of rice...yuck-o). But he will gulp down sweet potatoes, apples, peaches, bananas, and his personal favorite - pears.

He LOVES his big sister. He lights up when she pays attention to him, and she is pretty attentive to him. She loves to do tummy time with him and likes to hold him sometimes, too (with help, of course). She talks to Connor all day long, and even though of course he doesn't know what she's saying, he sure likes the fact that she does! Those two will be close, I tell you.

He is becoming so much more aware and social. He is unamused when we all leave the room and leave him alone. So nowadays we eat with him either on our laps or next to us in the high chair. And he is still a happy, content little guy nearly all of the time.

And of course, here are his growth metrics.

Wt: 13.89 lbs. (23%)
Length: 25" (53%)
Head: 16" (27%)

Love you little Connor!


Rinez said...

Yes, I agree that he is one good-looking kid! Loved reading all about him!