Sunday, September 1, 2013

And We're Back!

Hello friends and family,

We apologize for the chirping of the crickets and otherwise sounds of silence you've experienced on our blog. We moved, as you may or may not know, and are just barely emerging our heads out of the water. We happened to move like the day before Boyce's school started, and man alive, we have been SWAMPED this month. But like I said, we're finally coming right side up, so I wanted to post just a couple pictures of the house!

Seriously, one of the best things about our new house is our beautiful, and spacious backyard! We love having a place to hang out outside and a place where our kiddos can play! :)

So that blue thing to the left is a hot tub. Not *why* we bought the place, but a perk nonetheless!
That's a little alcove with a fire pit back there...LOVE!
There's a golf course right behind our house. All those rose bushes are a little overwhelming to prune and keep nice, but we'll get there eventually!

One of the first things we got when we moved here was a little trampoline for Grace. She loves it!

I'll post inside pics of the house soon, but we don't even have pictures hung yet, so there's still some work to be done!

Here are a few pictures also of Alpine Days, which we went to a few weeks ago because Cami represented her school in the parade. Grace loved the parade! It was a first for her!

PS - I realize that I am tragically behind on posting on little Connor Bear. He is doing so well and is now 6 months old! I WILL post his 6 month update this week with some new pics! :)