Saturday, October 12, 2013

Connor - Seven Months

Okay so yeah, I'm running behind. But that's okay. My little Connor is now 7 1/2 months. He is so quickly growing and changing right now. He now has 4 teeth with 2 more that have cut through. They've practically come all at once, poor guy. He has graduated from rolling to a very awkward army crawl as his preferred method for moving. I'm fairly certain he will be crawling here in no time (yikes!). He can sit up for the most part and, with a little assistance from us every now and then, can pretty much stay in that position.

Check out those teeth!

His favorite toys are the upright toy piano and the walker. Yup - he loves the toys that make music. Oh, and of course he wants whatever toy Grace is playing with at the moment, and vice-versa (seriously, that starts already?). He did really like the jumperoo until Grace started pushing him with all her might "helping him." Now he's a little gun shy about it. We go to the little neighborhood park all the time, and I love that he can now enjoy the baby swing. He is happy as can be swinging, especially if Gracie is next to him swinging, too.

Baths are sort of interesting. No longer is he content laying on his back in the bath. Nope. My little guy HAS to be on his tummy splishy-splashing around. You'd think my little 7 month old was trying to swim if you watched him. At first Boyce and I were a little hesitant about this, but frankly we had no choice. Trying to keep a wet, slippery baby in one position when he insists on being in another is really quite impossible. So now we just put a tiny bit of water in the bathtub and he is giddy as can be.

Post bath-time baby. Love naked baby. :)
A similar story can be said when we are attempting to change his diaper or dress him, or other activities that require him to be on his back. He fights it with all his little infant might, and let me tell ya', sometimes it takes me a really long time to dress him or change his diaper because I am struggling to keep that baby in position. I will be super excited about the day he can understand that he needs to stay put for just a darn minute, thank you.

He has graduated to three solid meals a day, and can even eat baby puffs. I was honestly terrified to feed them to him at first because any time I've attempted to feed him anything with a bit of texture to it (mashed up pea, pureed avocado, etc.) he couldn't really eat it without choking on it. So Boyce was the brave soul that fed him the baby puffs, and, other than a face that said, "What in the world am I eating right now?" we had no problems.

Love those baby-blue eyes.

So yeah, little Connor is growing up. Sigh. He is supposed to stay a baby for a lot longer. But I sure do love watching him achieve little milestones. Parenting is pure awesomeness (most of the time!).